What is 'vote for good question'?
Thread poster: Michele Fauble
Michele Fauble
Michele Fauble  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:21
Member (2006)
Norwegian to English
+ ...
Aug 17, 2005

What is the 'vote for good question' feature?
Who is eligle to 'vote for good question'?
And why can't I find an answer to this question on the site?

French Foodie
French Foodie  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:21
French to English
+ ...
Ditto Aug 17, 2005

I was just going to ask this question myself.

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:21
English to German
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Work in progress Aug 17, 2005

ProZ.com staff are currently working on a new KudoZ release; looks like some elements have already found their way into production.

Give them a couple of days, and the new features will be explained properly. Thanks for your patience.

Best regards,

writeaway  Identity Verified
French to English
+ ...
I already did........ Aug 17, 2005

Mara Bertelsen wrote:

I was just going to ask this question myself.


Natalia Elo
Natalia Elo  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:21
English to Russian
+ ...
My opinion Aug 17, 2005

Hi everybody,

As Ralph said we should be patient and there will be an explanation, but I presume it is just interesting, challenging questions what we are talking about here. The questions which make you think and not just google or lookt the word up from some specialised dictionary.

There are not so many of them after all.


Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 16:21
This is a feature from the soon-to-be-released update Aug 17, 2005

This is a feature from the upcoming release that made it into production. The idea is that by voting, we can highlight questions of particular interest. Just something to experiment with... sorry to let this one out without an explanation...


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What is 'vote for good question'?

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