Powwow Report for República Checa - Prague (Dec 12 2008)

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Report not submitted
The report by Helga Humlova has not been submitted yet

Photos from  Kateřina Suchánková

Photos from  Jiri Kortus

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Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 15 '08  Alca Ryskova: Helgo, díky
a už se těším na další sraz! Alca
Dec 15 '08  Tomas Burda: Helga, vielen Dank...
...für die wirklich gelungene Weihnachtsfeier.
Dec 14 '08  Jan Kolbaba: Díky, díky
Thanks Helgo, especially for that delicious Christmas sweets (smile)
Dec 13 '08  Kateřina Suchánková: Díky, Helgo
Bylo to opravdu super!
Dec 13 '08  Magnus Rydberg (X): Thanks
Great initiative. I enjoyed meeting you all. Thanks for organising this helga.
Dec 13 '08  Jiri Kortus: Helgo díky, díky
bylo to moc fajn
Dec 13 '08  Anette Hilgendag: Danke
Thanks for the great evening and the opportunity to meet so many interesting people.
Dec 13 '08  Jaroslav Suchánek: Helgo díky!
moc dík za vynikající večírek