Off topic: IE 7 is out!
Thread poster: Jianjun Zhang
Jianjun Zhang
Jianjun Zhang  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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Oct 26, 2006

Due to security reasons, I switched from IE 6 to FireFox a long time ago. Did this pay off? I suppose so. A few days ago, Last Hermit suggested to me to run a anti-spy check using the software discussed in this forum some time ago. To my surprise, my PC was not that infected as I expected. The software didn't show me any malicious software to delete, but a few hundred cookies, including some cookies from my clients' websites.
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Due to security reasons, I switched from IE 6 to FireFox a long time ago. Did this pay off? I suppose so. A few days ago, Last Hermit suggested to me to run a anti-spy check using the software discussed in this forum some time ago. To my surprise, my PC was not that infected as I expected. The software didn't show me any malicious software to delete, but a few hundred cookies, including some cookies from my clients' websites.

The new IE 7.0 is believed to be securer than its previous versions. At least this is something Microsoft wishes for the new release.

I just downloaded the new version, which is not yet available in Chinese, and by far, found it easier to use.

I love its new multi-tab browsing feature and simplified interface design, although this is maybe no good for newbies.

It now incorporates a search function just as what FireFox has been using. But this certainly doesn't render Google's own toolbar useless.

Yahoo! seems to work with Microsoft in the rolling out of the new IE. My Yahoo toolbar prompted me to download IE 7, which intergrated some Yahoo! features. For this reason, I downloaded the new browser but uninstalled Yahoo! toolbar.

During installation, your PC will get checked for possible tampering by rogue ware first. I believe MS is attempting to give us a clean installation.

[Edited at 2006-11-20 11:24]

Haiyang Ai (X)
Haiyang Ai (X)  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:07
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So does FireFox 2.0 Oct 26, 2006

I love to use FireFox too, which's very popular in the open source word. Now the latest version has just been released. You can download it for free at

Using Linux operating system is much more safer. The distribution I like is Debian, Fedora and also SUSE.

Han Li
Han Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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屏幕显示的字体似乎看起来更舒服了 Nov 7, 2006


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:07
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Disgusted Nov 19, 2006

I downloaded IE 7.0 from AT&T Yahoo Friday. Like Han Li mentioned, both the English and Chinese fonts have a nicer appearance. But now I get several errors every time I turn on my computer. Also it does an automatic chkdsk unless the check is aborted...very annoying.

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:07
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Errors Nov 20, 2006

Jianjun Zhang wrote:

Hi Stephen,

Sorry to hear this. I downloaded from MS website directly. Yahoo toolbar fed me the news, but I found that download would be from their site instead of from Microsoft. Fearing to get a tampered version, I went to Microsoft Internet Exploerer site directly to get the new 7.

I think your AT&T Yahoo IE was coded with lots of extras. I hate those things. In this respect, I think IE gets too commercial in its effort to edge out FireFox.


Thanks, Jianjun.

It's not a big deal. It's just annoying to see these error boxes with red X's pop up all the time.

If worst comes to worst, I can always do a ThinkPad recovery rescue. But then I have to bring everything back up to the latest version again, very time-consuming. Plus all my own data will be lost since nothing on my machine is important enough for me to go to the trouble of backing it up. I think I'll just live with the errors for now. At least they're not viruses.

[Edited at 2006-11-20 13:09]

Jianjun Zhang
Jianjun Zhang  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
English to Chinese
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Download from MS directly Nov 20, 2006

wherestip wrote:

I downloaded IE 7.0 from AT&T Yahoo Friday. Like Han Li mentioned, both the English and Chinese fonts have a nicer appearance. But now I get several errors every time I turn on my computer. Also it does an automatic chkdsk unless the check is aborted...very annoying.

Hi Stephen,

Sorry to hear this. I downloaded from MS website directly. Yahoo toolbar fed me the news, but I found that download would be from their site instead of from Microsoft. Fearing to get a tampered version, I went to Microsoft Internet Exploerer site directly to get the new 7.

I think your AT&T Yahoo IE was coded with lots of extras. I hate those things. In this respect, I think IE gets too commercial in its effort to edge out FireFox.


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:07
Chinese to English
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Error Messages Nov 20, 2006

Jianjun Zhang wrote:

wherestip wrote:

I downloaded IE 7.0 from AT&T Yahoo Friday. Like Han Li mentioned, both the English and Chinese fonts have a nicer appearance. But now I get several errors every time I turn on my computer. Also it does an automatic chkdsk unless the check is aborted...very annoying.

Hi Stephen,

Sorry to hear this. I downloaded from MS website directly. Yahoo toolbar fed me the news, but I found that download would be from their site instead of from Microsoft. Fearing to get a tampered version, I went to Microsoft Internet Exploerer site directly to get the new 7.

I think your AT&T Yahoo IE was coded with lots of extras. I hate those things. In this respect, I think IE gets too commercial in its effort to edge out FireFox.


Thanks, Jianjun.

It's not a big deal. It's just annoying to see all these error boxes with red X's pop up all the time.

If worse comes to worst, I can always do a ThinkPad system recovery rescue. But then I have to bring everything back up to the current version again, very time-consuming. Plus all my own data will be lost since nothing on my computer is important enough for me to go to the trouble of backing it up. I think I'll just live with the errors for now. At least they're not viruses.

p.s. This is a re-post. Somehow my previous post got eaten up by the system


Oh, that's nice. I see my previous post got re-located, literally in two ways.

[Edited at 2006-11-20 13:54]

Han Li
Han Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
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在这里下载 Nov 20, 2006

[Edited at 2006-11-20 15:12]

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
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Did my PC cause it, or the technology is not ready? Nov 20, 2006

Hi, All

I finally decided to download IE, 7.0 and installed it to my PC (using Windows XP Professional) last weekend. When I restarted the computer and launched the new IE browser to surf the internet and check my emails in MSN site, I experienced the slow response, or no response, and even freeze... It was a horrifying experience. I took it out and re-installed the older version back, and everything back to normal.

What was it? Did my PC cause it, or the technology is
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Hi, All

I finally decided to download IE, 7.0 and installed it to my PC (using Windows XP Professional) last weekend. When I restarted the computer and launched the new IE browser to surf the internet and check my emails in MSN site, I experienced the slow response, or no response, and even freeze... It was a horrifying experience. I took it out and re-installed the older version back, and everything back to normal.

What was it? Did my PC cause it, or the technology is not ready?


[修改时间: 2006-11-20 19:30]

Jianjun Zhang
Jianjun Zhang  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
English to Chinese
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No idea. Nov 21, 2006

Hi Kevin,

I didn't experience this with 7 (English version) and XP Pro (Simplified Chinese). The browsing experience is good. The only problems I experienced by far are after opening a number of tabs, the speed is getting slower (comparing with FireFox it's no good in this respect) and some of the websites don't recognize this new version - so I couldn't download my exam pass from Test Center website, etc.

Generally speaking it is better than previous versions. BTW, I
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Hi Kevin,

I didn't experience this with 7 (English version) and XP Pro (Simplified Chinese). The browsing experience is good. The only problems I experienced by far are after opening a number of tabs, the speed is getting slower (comparing with FireFox it's no good in this respect) and some of the websites don't recognize this new version - so I couldn't download my exam pass from Test Center website, etc.

Generally speaking it is better than previous versions. BTW, I don't use 7 with MSN, so have no idea why the services from the same company would be like that. Maybe this time Microsoft outsourced IE to other developers?


TongliUSA wrote:

Hi, All

I finally decided to download IE, 7.0 and installed it to my PC (using Windows XP Professional) last weekend. When I restarted the computer and launched the new IE browser to surf the internet and check my emails in MSN site, I experienced the slow response, or no response, and even freeze... It was a horrifying experience. I took it out and re-installed the older version back, and everything back to normal.

What was it? Did my PC cause it, or the technology is not ready?


[修改时间: 2006-11-20 19:30]

[Edited at 2006-11-21 01:10]

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:07
Chinese to English
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Different behavior Nov 21, 2006

TongliUSA wrote:

Hi, All

I finally decided to download IE, 7.0 and installed it to my PC (using Windows XP Professional) last weekend. When I restarted the computer and launched the new IE browser to surf the internet and check my emails in MSN site, I experienced the slow response, or no response, and even freeze... It was a horrifying experience. I took it out and re-installed the older version back, and everything back to normal.

What was it? Did my PC cause it, or the technology is not ready?



I didn't notice any response time degradation in general. But in my on-line brokerage account, I did experience some unexpected different behavior. For example, upon clicking "buy" or "sell", windows which used to automatically pop up or refresh no longer did that. Instead it would try to open a new tab, totally preventing any kind of transactions.

Upon calling my brokerage tech support, I was told that the "Navigate sub-frames across different domains" feature had to be enabled in the browser options. This feature is under "Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level". The guy I talked to said Microsoft made a mistake by not enabling it as default. Another thing he had me do is change the "open links from other programs" option from the default of "A new tab in the current window" to "A new window" instead. This setting is under "Tools -> Internet Options -> General -> Change how webpages are displayed in tabs -> Settings"

It doesn't sound like what you experienced had much to do with these tab-related settings though.

Han Li
Han Li  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:07
English to Chinese
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HOW TO: 使用 ClearType 增强屏幕字体 Dec 5, 2006

按照说明设置后,不用浏览器时字体也看得比较清楚了。可是 ClearType技术早就应用到了XP系统中,我以前为什么没有体会到他的好处呢?原来还需�
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按照说明设置后,不用浏览器时字体也看得比较清楚了。可是 ClearType技术早就应用到了XP系统中,我以前为什么没有体会到他的好处呢?原来还需要进行自定义设置,根据自己的LCD进行专门设置:

据说,ClearTYpe只适用于英文字体,而在Windows Vista系统中有了一种新中文字体:微软雅黑,安装后的中文系统据说字体非常清楚。我从网上下载了雅黑字体后,把系统显示的中文字体都更改成了这种字体,可是觉得系统外观看起来极不舒服,可能是不太习惯吧。而且在IE7中把中文字体设置为雅黑后,在浏览器中看起来也还是不太顺眼。所以我就仍然改为宋体了。不知道Vista是否真的值得大家期待。

PS: 刚才比较了一下Windows 2000的系统显示,其实不用进一步设置就可以感觉出来XP比2000的字体看起来舒服多了。只不过进行设置后,感觉比不设置更好一点。

[Edited at 2006-12-05 10:35]

pkchan  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 23:07
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Vista is coming to town Dec 16, 2006



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IE 7 is out!

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