How to spell check?
Thread poster: Andjelo Miklic
Andjelo Miklic
Andjelo Miklic
Local time: 02:39
English to Croatian
+ ...
Jan 15, 2004

How to spell check translated (target) text in Trados? Thank you!

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:39
English to German
+ ...
More details, please Jan 15, 2004

Hi Andjelo,
As a general rule, you should always provide as much information as possible when dealing with a problem.

To answer your question, we need to know which editor you're using (MS Word, TagEditor or one of the T-Windows). It's also generally important to indicate the software version (although that shouldn't be too much of an issue here).

Best regards, Ralf

Andjelo Miklic
Andjelo Miklic
Local time: 02:39
English to Croatian
+ ...
Sorry! Jan 15, 2004

Ralf Lemster wrote:

Hi Andjelo,
As a general rule, you should always provide as much information as possible when dealing with a problem.

To answer your question, we need to know which editor you're using (MS Word, TagEditor or one of the T-Windows). It's also generally important to indicate the software version (although that shouldn't be too much of an issue here).

Best regards, Ralf

Andjelo Miklic
Andjelo Miklic
Local time: 02:39
English to Croatian
+ ...
Sorry! Jan 15, 2004

I am working with Trados 5.5 freelancer, and I am using Tag editor.

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:39
English to German
+ ...
Check the Help function Jan 15, 2004


The spell checking options in TagEditor are explained in detail in the TagEditor Help: use the Index section and search for Spelling tab. You can use the built-in spell checker ("WinterTree"), or MS Word.

Please let me know if there are any further problems.

Best regards, Ralf

Laure Delpech
Laure Delpech  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:39
Member (2004)
English to French
I can't access the French spellchecker in Tageditor Apr 28, 2005

Ralf Lemster wrote:


The spell checking options in TagEditor are explained in detail in the TagEditor Help: use the Index section and search for Spelling tab. You can use the built-in spell checker ("WinterTree"), or MS Word.

Please let me know if there are any further problems.

Best regards, Ralf

Hi Ralf,

I read with interest what you wrote above, because I have never managed to use the French spell checker in Tageditor and, apparently, I'm not the only one.

I went to Tools > Plug-ins. "Spelling Checkers" is ticked and there is a circle with a dot inside it next to "Word spelling checkers". But if I select "Word spelling checkers" and click on "Properties", I get the message "This plug-in does not support property pages". I have left Word 2002 open (as it seems important to do so in order for Tageditor to access the spellchecker in Word).

And I can't see any WinterTree.

I use Tageditor I would be grateful for suggestions.



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