Importing to Multiterm
Thread poster: JennyItaly
Local time: 23:35
Italian to English
Dec 8, 2005

I firstly apologise if this is a repeated question: I did try to read through the various forums but I must be extra dumb this morning.
I have Trados 6.5
MultitermiX 6.01
I have some glossaries in Excel which I have not succeeded in importing.
So I imported them in Access : exported an .xml file as follows
two colums - one headed ITALIAN one headed ENGLISH.
I used Multiterm as follows:
-Import Entries
-Default Import definition
- Process
... See more
I firstly apologise if this is a repeated question: I did try to read through the various forums but I must be extra dumb this morning.
I have Trados 6.5
MultitermiX 6.01
I have some glossaries in Excel which I have not succeeded in importing.
So I imported them in Access : exported an .xml file as follows
two colums - one headed ITALIAN one headed ENGLISH.
I used Multiterm as follows:
-Import Entries
-Default Import definition
- Process
- Browse to file
- named exclusion file
- and EACH time I get 0 processed.

I have seen many talk about MT-Convert - I only have MT Migrate is that possible ?

Thanks in advance -


Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:35
English to German
+ ...
Outdated version Dec 8, 2005

Hi Jenny,
The problem is that you are using an outdated version of MultiTerm - this was replaced by 6.2.0 in the summer of 2003. The old version of MT Convert did not support the conversion of Excel-based files (that was one of the major reasons for the change, BTW).

Have a look at TranslationZone: there are various upgrades and patches for MT6.

HTH, Ralf

Local time: 23:35
Italian to English
Thanks Dec 8, 2005

Well that would be an excellent reason !
So I suppose that also applies to .xml files created in Access ?
Doesn't read those either

I will try to update asap.

Thank you very much for your help


Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:35
English to German
+ ...
XML definition Dec 8, 2005

Hi again,
So I suppose that also applies to .xml files created in Access ?
Doesn't read those either

It doesn't matter which application you use - as long as you don't apply the XML structure used by MultiTerm (as defined in MTF-schema.xml), you cannot import. If you're familiar with XML, and you know how to use a schema, you can use a text editor to create an import file. Using MultiTerm Convert is much easier...

Best regards,

Peter Linton (X)
Peter Linton (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:35
Swedish to English
+ ...
Italian English not ITALIAN ENGLISH Dec 8, 2005

I once had repeated failures when loading an Excel spreadsheet into MT because the languages were in capital letters, e.g. ITALIAN ENGLISH.
Finally I changed to exactly what is in MT - e.g. Italian English - and it worked.

Local time: 23:35
Italian to English
A step forward... Dec 8, 2005

Thank you I did that while I am waiting for IT to get the update:
but it didn't accept it.
I get an error in txt file when I try to import which says :
Fatal Error at (file C:\TRAD\GLOSSARY.txt, line 3609, column 1): The input ended before all started tags were ended. Last tag started was 'English'.

I followed a tutorial from here to change excel into txt and all my entries are as follows:

Accollato... See more
Thank you I did that while I am waiting for IT to get the update:
but it didn't accept it.
I get an error in txt file when I try to import which says :
Fatal Error at (file C:\TRAD\GLOSSARY.txt, line 3609, column 1): The input ended before all started tags were ended. Last tag started was 'English'.

I followed a tutorial from here to change excel into txt and all my entries are as follows:

accredito stampa
press credits

but for no (apparent) reason it blocks with that error 4 from the end.
I cancelled some : but it gives the same error again.

Maybe I will just have to wait for the update to come through.

Thanks very much


Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:35
English to German
+ ...
Not MTiX import format Dec 8, 2005

Hi again,
You appear to have used an outdated tutorial; this looks like the import format for MultiTerm 5.x.

Best regards,

Local time: 23:35
Italian to English
oops! Dec 8, 2005

Sorry it also missed out all the '' etc. when pasting.

Ok I definately give up !! =))

Hope to update by tomorrow
Thanks again


Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:35
English to German
+ ...
Don't use pointed brackets in the forum Dec 8, 2005

Hi again,

Sorry it also missed out all the 'Italian' etc. when pasting.

Don't use pointed brackets in the forum - as these are also used for forum commands, the content will not be shown. Still, it was enough to recognise the MT5.x import format...

Cheers, Ralf


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Importing to Multiterm

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