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French to English Poetry & Literature Translation Glossary

French term English translation
"Une danse [...] écrite et réécrite, faite et défaite." a dance step defined and then redefined ,done,then undone.
chair terreuse earthen flesh; earthen womb
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
forlonger leave the pack behind
Ils ne s’inscrivent que dans cette fulgurance. Only that blaze of light can define them
le style vire-voltant revolutionary style; progressive style
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
projection d’idée planned project
"chantiers immobiliers" & "installation anarchiques" building sites and sporadic development
"qu'il pourra face"/let if/love do its worst see this site with the translation
Entered by: liz askew
(cet e-mail est) coiffé (an email) headed
(r)oguettes haughty
1,2,3 Soleil what's the time Mr Wolf?
A force de côtoyer The more time you spend with/ in ..., the more ...; If you spend time...
A peu que le cueur ne me fent My heart is well-nigh cleft in twain/My heart is almost breaking/It's almost tearing me apart/...
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
A un poil d'éléphant près an elephant's whisker away
accéder au rêve to give way to/to grant [his] dreams
Entered by: Helen Shiner
accents crépusculaires sombre overtones
Entered by: Tony M
acheter une charge militaire to buy a military commission
affaires mochardes frightful matters
affin que cette feste ne fut troublé d'aucuns cottés so that this celebration wouldn't be troubled in any way
agencements du regard tricks of perspective
agenda de ministre hectic/crammed schedule
amané amané
Appel à l’élan et au Départ the lure of new horizons / of novelty
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
approche amoureuse initial flirting stage(s)
aréré out-of-school club / day nursery d'ombres portées noires trees...which cast black shadows on the ground
arrêts de rigueur Confinement to quarters
au charme millénaire with a timeless charm
au gré de to the rhythm of
au large de ma vie out in the wide open spaces of my life
au second degré in a peculiar way
augure favorable favorable augury
Aujourd'hui, maman est morte (Camus) Today, my mother died
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
aune (à l'aune de/des) by the yardstick of/measured against the yardstick of...
Entered by: Hervé du Verle
auraient fait la fierté ...motions that would have made some parents so proud
Autour de l'atre gris, Ou' le feu clair pe'tille et rit, Around the gray hearth, where the fire crackles and laughs ...
autour de qui gravitaient de fait nombre de beaux esprits around whom revolved many fine minds
Entered by: Paula Price
avaler son rond de cuir ...been so surprised he would have swallowed his elbow leather...
avec sa particule Nobiliary particle
avec ses relents de so redolent of
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