Dec 8, 2001 02:57
22 yrs ago
17 viewers *
Polish term

gra do jednej bramki

Non-PRO Polish to English Other site abuse
Czy tutaj pytania zadaje juz tylko jedna osoba? Czy inni tez maja szanse? A jesli juz nie, to moze jakas wzmianka "te superprodukcje wspoltlumaczyli inni profesjonalisci z"? Co na to moderator? Co inni? To chyba juz przekracza rozsadne granice!

Proposed translations

10 hrs

What the Sam Hill are you talking about?

Look, Homer, you must be really blind if you think that only one person can ask questions here. I know at least several hundred who asked different questions and were answered. What's your problem? Got up on the wrong side of the bed? Your spouse cheated on you? Got hard titty lately?
Be more specific and do not, please, pretty please with cream on top, ask personal questions here. For this we have forums. Click on the one you need and spill your bleeding heart over to it.
I do feel for you but you shoud really go to the right place to get right answers.
Something went wrong...
1 day 7 hrs

Thank you Marta,

for privately bringing this question to my attention.

I am sure things like this one will be on our agenda during then Powwow in Warsaw this coming Saturday.
Would anyone else like to join?

In the meantime, I think Marta, who supported Blind Homer, could indeed launch a discussion in English on one of the forums to see what people think.

I have a slightly different perspective as this topic has been extensively discussed among the moderators and ProZ management. Personally, although I strongly agree that
\"Interpreters and translators shall undertake only work which they are competent to perform in the language areas for which they are \"accredited\" or \"recognised\". Acceptance of an assignment is a declaration of one\'s competence and constitutes a contract. If, during an assignment, it becomes clear that the work is beyond the interpr! eter\'s or translator\'s competence, they should inform clients immediately and withdraw. \"
I am opposed to restrictions in the marketplace and ProZ is a commercial operation and NOT a nonprofit association od translators. ProZ policy has been spelled out by its owner who is strongly against any restrictions in the marketplace for reasons which I think are understandable. We also should appreciate, I think, the tool that ProZ puts at our disposal for whatever it is worth in each individual case. After all, membership, for the time being, is still free of charge.

In the specific case under discussion, I am afraid it is up to the asker to decide what the limits are and it is definitely up to the answerers to decide whether they want to participate in the quiz or not. My participation has been limited to research for a few of the Macbeth questions. Finding the right Paszkowski's quotes is not very different from researching specialized dictionaries or Internet resources to give an answer in the hope that maybe next time someone will help me out.

I strongly invite everyone to continue discussing this topic either here (although, frankly, I would have not spotted it myself too quickly), where we can do it either in English or in Polish, or in one of the forums. Let's just not forget to moderate our own language, please.

Jacek Krankowski
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1 day 17 hrs

one-horse race

is a splendid if not so obvious equivalent of g.d.j.b.
Re the other subject: I am with you, Blind, in that it is unfair to other askers to fill the full page of KudoZ queries with your translation needs. Viewing questions in batches of fifty is the most convenient option, the only one you can refresh with one F5 click without resending the information (I presume), at least this is what I do most of the time. Once a question gets pushed out of the top 50, its chances of being answered nosedive, so if you are unlucky to post yours just before Ivona unleashes her barrage...
Second, I understand KudoZ is for terms, not for pages of translation, it is for terms other translators have struggled with and either survived or fell, but anyway for stuff others are likely to come across and struggle--until they remember KudoZ exists. Macbeth hardly meets these criteria, the same goes for tons of soundtrack we've seen before. Ivona started by asking who felt qualified to help her with Macbeth stuff - which was the right thing to do - but then proceeded to do what she did anyway and until you, Jacek, located your copy of Makbet, she managed to engage some of us in a valiant but losing and occasionally pathetic battle with the Bard.
Blind, I felt what you felt when some weeks ago a "pro" asked for the English equivalent of dioksyny i furany, because she would not be bothered to open the first dictionary that came her way. I suppressed my rage and politely suggested "dictionaries and encyclopedias" in the answer field but nobody supported me on that.
But then, Blind, I did not invent a new alias for that occasion, just used my regular nick that is linked to my e-mail address. Let me tell you this: you had a right to get annoyed only if you are a registered user of this site. And if you are, you shouldn't have mascaraded as Homer but have the guts to say what you, not that Greek, think. PJ
Peer comment(s):

agree Krzysztof Kożurno : OK, I came in disguise only to defend the principle, not attack the person. See below
2 hrs
neutral Jacek Krankowski (X) : Frankly, I see no difference between someone's "regular nick" (+empty profile) and someone else's "ad hoc nick"
4 days
Something went wrong...
1 day 18 hrs

From purely technical point of view

IMHO, asking 50 questions should not prevent others from asking theirs. Or does it? Should I bring it up with (Lately, they have technical problems every day regardless.)

On another point, personally, I disagree that the 51st question down the list has fewer chances of being answered than the top 50. What do others think?

Peer comment(s):

agree pidzej : prevent no, be seen yes. 51st question don't get seen without some extra commands so the answer seems obvious. And in two days it becomes 101st
13 mins
When I go to the page "Pytania KudoZ wg jezyka"... (cntd below)
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1 day 19 hrs


I have a tremendous amount of work, usually with a very tight deadline. Often I do work on few projects at a time. I know that it may seem like a lot of questions, but percentage-wise it was about 10% per project.
Anyway, feel free to delete all my outsanding questions if you feel it will ease the situation.
Something went wrong...
1 day 21 hrs

people get emotional

And if you take a look at our Russian friend's comment
What the Sam Hill are you talking about
you can understand the precautions I took. It wasn't nice to read it even though I knew I am out of place with the comment and still thought I had a good reason to do it. You just not always enjoying ostrasizm. I didn't mean to be offensive to hide my identity, though in fact it is hidden anyway (another issue to discuss). I just wanted to raise the issue and see if there is any response, etc. Yes, I was a little afraid I would get emotional. And shows a little, sorry for that.
Especially as I knew I had this enjoyable job on GIS and sophisticated stuff that is not exactly my pair of shoes and anticipating an urgent need of asking a few question (hopefully not too many). I want to keep away from the idle discussion on forums on how much, how many and how well people should get translated from this site. May they be as happy as possible, only let there be more than one. There was physically no chance of placing a question that would attract a competent eye, unless you were extremely lucky to squeeze in between the barrages. Everything else has been said here, so I won't repeat it. It seems the issue is perceived and understood and hopefully we as member of this community are able to carry on without unnecessary conflict and with reasonable respect and consideration for one another. I'd just been looking at what was going on for a few days and the list of questions from one person seemed to be endless.
We do have to realize that one of the limited resources we have is room, also the room in this site. The web seems to be limitless, yet there are limits, at least of human perception.
By the by, is there a way to view more than 50 queries at a time?
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jacek Krankowski (X) : When I go to the page "Pytania KudoZ wg jezyka"... (cntd below)
8 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 days 5 hrs

When I go to the page "Pytania KudoZ wg jezyka"...

...i.e. from Main Page I have clicked first "Your pairs" and then "See more," it is up to me to set the number of "See more" queries on the screen. The pull-down menu next to "Liczba" in the dialog box at the top goes up to 500 and if you set a specific language pair, you can view the last 500 queries just in that specific language pair. Fewer chances for the 51st query down the list is, then, complete news to me as I scroll down 100 items very often to spot those that have not yet been answered. When I see a barrage of literary questions I am not interested in, I just switch the number to be viewed from 10 to 50 or 100. Are there any problems with that?

Something went wrong...
2 days 6 hrs


NO problem for KudoZ junkies like you and me but 50 is the default setting as far as I can see. So you can view up to 500 but you cannot be sure if others who drop in just occasionally see more than the last 50 and this is what all this argument is about I presume. You can also narrow down the search to open questions only (Status box, right-hand column) but there is a lot to learn from questions that get closed almost as soon as they are asked so I wouldn't use that unless KudoZ points are the only thing that interests me.
Peer comment(s):

agree Krzysztof Kożurno : I didn't even give a thought to view more than 50, that's irrational
10 hrs
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