Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:


English translation:

Policy impetus/impetus to the policy

Added to glossary by Will Kelly
Apr 23, 2014 16:39
10 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Other Government / Politics Policy
In a presentation regarding (Dutch) government policy on road safety.

Onbewuste beïnvloeding is één van de onderwerpen die langskomen in het door het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu gelanceerde Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid.

A document on this particular 'beleidsimpuls' can be found here:


Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 24, 2014:
beleidsimpuls = (kun je lezen als) een impuls geven aan het (bestaande) beleid

'breath new life' into and other expressions in this vein.
Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 24, 2014:
@Natasha Ik weet niet waarnaar jij verwijst dus ik kan niet alles in zijn verband beoordelen. Mijn lezing is dat het in het algemeen betekent dat je een nieuwe impuls aan bestaand beleid geeft of er iets aan toevoegt.
Bovendien blijft de vraag hoe je dat 'de schouders eronder zetten' dan zou moeten vertalen.

Bekijk dit voorbeeld eens:

In een brief aan de Tweede Kamer kondigt Minister Schultz een nieuwe beleidsimpuls aan. Dit om de door haar vastgestelde doelstellingen verkeersveiligheid ook te kunnen halen. Het SWOV heeft doorgerekend dat met ongewijzigd beleid de doelstellingen 2020 niet kunnen worden gehaald. Samen met het maatschappelijk middenveld en decentrale overheden wordt nu de focus gelegd op de fietser, beginnende jonge bestuurder en de senioren in het verkeer. Exact dezelfde speerpunten die het ROVL in het Meerjaren Uitvoerings Programma (MUP) heeft aangekondigd. Ons Jaar van de Fiets wordt dus extra ondersteund door deze maatregelen van de minister. De brief, alsmede ons MUP, is hiernaast te downloaden.
Natasha Ziada (X) Apr 24, 2014:
Barend/Katerina Barend, the text clearly states that after many years of declining road fatalities, there is now a rise in accidents and fatalities among certain demographics. (Sorry, can't copy/paste from iPhone from introduction but it's right there). Which is what Katerina mentioned.

Hence the sense of urgency, impetus, call to action. There is a lot of emphasis on: 'samen de schouders eronder, extra inspanning'.

From page 2: 'Maar het aantal ernstig gewonden onder fietsers en ouderen stijgt de laatste jaren. Daarom hebben het ministerie en de betrokken partijen afgesproken een extra inspanning te leveren met de Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid. Doel is het aantal verkeersslachtoffers onder de specifieke doelgroepen waar het nog niet goed (genoeg) gaat terug te dringen. De partijen zetten alles op alles om het aantal verkeersslachtof- fers verder te verlagen.'
Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 23, 2014:
@Katerina. Sleep well anyway.
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
also reversed ...which is also reversed. It should of course read: ‘Road Safety Policy Stimulus’
katerina turevich Apr 23, 2014:
@Barend, so late, that I start making mistakes. Tomorrow better!
katerina turevich Apr 23, 2014:
one of the above links gives an excellent phrase
"Policy Stimulus Road Safety"
you're right, Barendt. It's getting late.
Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 23, 2014:
Good night, Katerina. This is not the case:

there was/is a policy pertaining to road safety, BUT recently there have been untoward changes in the reality on the road (so many more fatal accidents),

Rather it is about breathing new life into the existing policy.

It is no response to a dramatic change in reality on the road, even nothing particular new needs to have happened.
katerina turevich Apr 23, 2014:
good evening, everyone! what I understood from the context is that
there was/is a policy pertaining to road safety, BUT recently there have been untoward changes in the reality on the road (so many more fatal accidents), and that creates a call for a 'beleidsimpulse'. In other words, impulse measure comes as a reaction, an impetus, the need to act/change the existing policy, or take appropriate measures. Please, correct me if I am wrong. 'Impetus' works too. Or you can stay with "policy proposal". But there is for sure more urgency in the 'impulse/impetus'. So, if that's the point...
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
psst! Will also posted the question over at TC:

(not sure if I am allowed to mention that site, which is why I’m whispering…)
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
‘Road Safety Annual Report 2013’ (IRTAD) In the ‘Road Safety Annual Report 2013’ published by the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), it's translated as ‘policy impulse’.

‘In 2008, the Road Safety Strategic Plan 2008-2020 (the Dutch “SPV”) was developed by the then Ministry of Transport and received support in Parliament. Road safety policy 2008-2020 is based on three cornerstones: co-operation, an integral approach and ‘sustainable safety’. Continuation of generic measures that have proven successful is ensured. Measures to reduce the risk of vulnerable road users and a tough approach on traffic offenders are among the measures targeting 12 areas of emphasis. Mobility demands and the social context of road users are taken into account.

In 2012, the current Road Safety Strategy 2008-2020 (link 1) was adapted, in accordance with its four-yearly evaluation. The evaluation was based on SWOVs Road Safety Outlook 2020 R-2012-14 (link 2) and the complementary policy impulse (link 3) (in Dutch).’
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
2 more options: ‘road safety policy impetus’: safety "policy... (Google search for: road safety "policy impetus")

Or maybe:

‘road safety policy priorities’:

‘5. National road safety strategies and targets

Organisation of road safety in Belgium

The body responsible for formulating Road Safety policy priorities in Belgium is the Inter- Ministerial Committee (IMC) for Road Safety. Both national and regional ministers are members of the committee which reports to the Federal Minister for Mobility. Although the members are decision makers, it is up to the ministers responsible to implement decisions in their area and there is no legal impetus for this.’"road safety policy... (Google search for: "road safety policy priorities"
Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 23, 2014:
@Katerina, Primarily needs to be considered what 'beleidsimpuls' in Dutch means rather than which supposedly similar expressions exist in English.

Besides, nowhere to find 'policy impulse measure' in your reference.

Just 'fiscal impulse measure'

However, this is related to the specific concept of 'fiscal impulse'.

Getting Straight on Fiscal Impulse

Which raises the extremely important yet poorly understood issue of “fiscal impulse.” It’s a simple concept: for fiscal policy to boost growth at a time like this, what matters is not the size of the deficit; it’s the change in the deficit. If this year’s budget deficit is smaller than last year’s, it doesn’t matter if they’re both “large.” That’s contractionary and that’s what’s going on here.

De economie van de Verenigde Staten moet een extra fiscale impuls krijgen om de kredietcrisis te kunnen bezweren...
Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 23, 2014:
I just would like to mention that it seems this 'beleidsimpuls' pertains to existing policy.

Thank you for considering, Michael, for that matter.

Erfgoedverenigingen in Vlaanderen en Europa: een beleidsimpuls

In Vlaanderen is de voorbije jaren een grote dynamiek ontstaan in de brede erfgoedsector (immaterieel, roerend en onroerend). Dit proces zal zich in de tweede helft van dit decennium onder andere vertalen in een zeer actieve werking van vrijwilligersorganisaties en hun vertegenwoordiging op landelijk niveau. Het ‘voorbij de verklaring van Portoroz’-project anticipeert op wat in Vlaanderen aan het opborrelen is. Bovendien wordt hiermee vanuit de erfgoedverenigingensector vorm gegeven aan diverse beleidsintenties, zoals het inzetten op internationalisering, empowerment én reflectie. Enerzijds wordt inspiratie gezocht bij enkele initiatieven op Europese schaal in de voorbije jaren. Anderzijds wordt actief nagegaan of er, vanuit Vlaanderen, een nieuwe impuls gegeven kan worden aan een nieuwe Europese verklaring en de daarbij horende werkinstrumenten.
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
@Barend: Yes, I see what you mean about it being an enhancement of policy. I think I still prefer the term blueprint though (especially since I discovered that the term "road safety blueprint" has actually been used in British circles), but there is obviously no wrong or right answer here...
katerina turevich Apr 23, 2014:
policy impulse measures If it's possible to formulate a policy this way in the financial world, I don't see why it shouldn't carry over into any other policy administration
Robert Kleemaier Apr 23, 2014:
Policy impetus FWIW, the phrase 'policy impetus' covers the import of the source term AND has a nice ring to my PoliSci ears. If someone were to post that as a solution, it would get my vote (hint). ;-)
Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 23, 2014:
@Michael The idea occured to me because of this:

In een brief aan de Tweede Kamer kondigt Minister Schultz een nieuwe beleidsimpuls aan. Dit om de door haar vastgestelde doelstellingen verkeersveiligheid ook te kunnen halen. Het SWOV heeft doorgerekend dat met ongewijzigd beleid de doelstellingen 2020 niet kunnen worden gehaald. Samen met het maatschappelijk middenveld en decentrale overheden wordt nu de focus gelegd op de fietser, beginnende jonge bestuurder en de senioren in het verkeer. Exact dezelfde speerpunten die het ROVL in het Meerjaren Uitvoerings Programma (MUP) heeft aangekondigd. Ons Jaar van de Fiets wordt dus extra ondersteund door deze maatregelen van de minister. De brief, alsmede ons MUP, is hiernaast te downloaden.
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
@Barend: I think it needs to be a little stronger than ‘policy enhancement’ as there are lives at stake here. I think I like the sound of ‘Road Safety Blueprint’.

Whatever Will ends up choosing though, I think the original Dutch title should definitely follow in brackets.
Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 23, 2014:
No side-stepping is no goed idea.

When you use road safety policy this would miss the 'impuls' aspect completely.
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
some synonyms to play with or maybe just uses a (slightly stronger?) synonym of ‘policy’:

plans, strategy, proposed action, blueprint, approach, scheme, stratagem, programme, schedule, code, system, guidelines, intentions, notions, theory, line, position, stance, attitude...
Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 23, 2014:
Another example:

The adopted affordable housing policy (UH2.3) took on board the national policy enhancement including the definition of affordable housing in circular 13/96 and anticipated the site size suitability threshold changes in circular 06/98.
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
‘road safety policy’? hmm, maybe just sidestep the problematic word ‘impuls’ and call it a ‘road safety policy’
Barend van Zadelhoff Apr 23, 2014:
I was thinking of 'policy enhancement'.

What do you think?

The goal of CHESS is to provide a national forum for dialogue and policy enhancement on issues affecting students. The body provides a channel for representing the views of students in Scotland to national and governmental bodies.
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
Linguee a few attempts were made here:

... using terms like: impetus, impulse, spur to action, policy incentives ...
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
i.e., It looks like a concrete set of things they have promised to do. That is, ... more than a ‘policy proposal’, ‘consultation document’ or ‘white paper’. Impulse or impetus don’t sound quite right. Hmm.
Michael Beijer Apr 23, 2014:
what this ‘impuls’ means: ‘Sinds de jaren zeventig daalt het aantal verkeersdoden in Nederland gestaag. In 2011 steeg het aantal voor het eerst in jaren. Er kwamen toen 661 mensen om het leven bij een verkeersongeval. Het aantal ernstig verkeersgewonden stijgt sinds 2006. Niet minder dan 19.200 mensen raakten ernstig gewond in het verkeer in 2010. Vooral fietsers, ouderen en jonge beginnende bestuurders lopen risico.

Deze cijfers roepen om een extra inspanning, bovenop de al bestaande maatregelen. Dat vinden het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu en bestuurlijke en maatschappelijke partners. Samen hebben ze afgesproken 23 extra maatregelen te nemen. Stuk voor stuk concrete actiepunten die moeten helpen het aantal verkeersdoden en ernstige verkeergewonden terug te dringen, want elk slachtoffer is er één te veel.

De maatregelen zijn medio 2012 opgetekend in de Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid.
Eensgezind zetten alle partners de schouders eronder. In deze brochure leest u meer over de achtergronden en de maatregelen van de Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid.’ ( )

Proposed translations

9 hrs

Policy impetus/impetus to the policy

I am going to enter this because it popped up in the discussion a couple of times but hasn't made it into an answer and I believe it should (hope Robert/Michael don't mind).

Impetus has that ring of urgency that is clearly present in the Dutch doc (see discussion). It also has some G-hits:
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks!"
14 mins

policy proposal, consultation document, white paper

I don't want to wade through the entire document to find out its legal status and how it will be acted on, but here are some suggestions.

Note added at 38 mins (2014-04-23 17:18:30 GMT)

Or policy statement.
Peer comment(s):

agree Wiard Sterk (X) : That's what i thought. Policy initiative might also be possible, but found no reference for that.
5 days
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44 mins
Dutch term (edited): Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid

Road Safety Blueprint (‘Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid’)

I like the sound of this. I think a blueprint captures the idea sketched in this document:

‘Sinds de jaren zeventig daalt het aantal verkeersdoden in Nederland gestaag. In 2011 steeg het aantal voor het eerst in jaren. Er kwamen toen 661 mensen om het leven bij een verkeersongeval. Het aantal ernstig verkeersgewonden stijgt sinds 2006. Niet minder dan 19.200 mensen raakten ernstig gewond in het verkeer in 2010. Vooral fietsers, ouderen en jonge beginnende bestuurders lopen risico.

Deze cijfers roepen om een extra inspanning, bovenop de al bestaande maatregelen. Dat vinden het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu en bestuurlijke en maatschappelijke partners. Samen hebben ze afgesproken 23 extra maatregelen te nemen. Stuk voor stuk concrete actiepunten die moeten helpen het aantal verkeersdoden en ernstige verkeergewonden terug te dringen, want elk slachtoffer is er één te veel.

De maatregelen zijn medio 2012 opgetekend in de Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid. Eensgezind zetten alle partners de schouders eronder. In deze brochure leest u meer over de achtergronden en de maatregelen van de Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid.’ ( )

See e.g.:"road safety bluepr... (Google search for: "road safety blueprint" site:uk)
Example sentence:

The government's ten-year road safety blueprint has been welcomed by a number of automotive organisations.

Its road safety blueprint includes a commitment to encourage local authorities to consider 20mph limits in all residential areas.

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2 hrs

Spur to Action on Road Safety

The word 'impuls' in 'beleidsimpuls' seems to denote urgency.
Peer comment(s):

agree Natasha Ziada (X) : with the sense of urgency ('Schouders eronder', 'extra inspanning', 'concrete actiepunten'
4 hrs
Thanks Natasha.
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3 hrs

policy enhancement

I think it can be considered as an enhancement (versterking) or a push in the right direction of existing policy/policies.
Things may be depending on the context.

In een brief aan de Tweede Kamer kondigt Minister Schultz een nieuwe beleidsimpuls aan. Dit om de door haar vastgestelde doelstellingen verkeersveiligheid ook te kunnen halen. Het SWOV heeft doorgerekend dat met ongewijzigd beleid de doelstellingen 2020 niet kunnen worden gehaald. Samen met het maatschappelijk middenveld en decentrale overheden wordt nu de focus gelegd op de fietser, beginnende jonge bestuurder en de senioren in het verkeer. Exact dezelfde speerpunten die het ROVL in het Meerjaren Uitvoerings Programma (MUP) heeft aangekondigd. Ons Jaar van de Fiets wordt dus extra ondersteund door deze maatregelen van de minister. De brief, alsmede ons MUP, is hiernaast te downloaden.

A 2000 study showed an unadjusted mortality rate of 35.6% for severe injuries resulting from road collisions in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi [4]. This rate is six times higher than that reported for countries with high income. The determinants of this mortality are incompletely documented. Since the 2000 study, access to advanced trauma life support (ATLS) protocols has improved and policy enhancement towards enforcement of traffic laws [5] embraced. We aimed to study the pattern of road trauma mortality from a hospital perspective and assess the determinants of this mortality using a larger sample of admissions over one calendar year.

The international student experience

Exploring perceptions and experiences of first year international students in relation to persistence and proposed withdrawal from degree courses at the University of Brighton (2010-2011)

Jennie Jones is conducting a research project in collaboration with Stephanie Fleischer (School of Applied Social Science) which explores the experiences of 1st year international students at the University of Brighton. This well help to identify the reasons behind international students’ decisions to leave the University, or persist, during their first year. This research will provide valuable knowledge which will lead to policy enhancement relating to support for international students at the University. Jennie and Stephanie will formally begin the research this autumn.
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7 mins

policy impulse

See e.g.:

Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid = ‘Policy Impulse Road Safety of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment’ ( )

Note added at 8 mins (2014-04-23 16:48:35 GMT)

It sounds a little weird, but it is used in (a few) UK refs:

See e.g.:"a policy impulse... (Google search for: "a policy impulse" site:uk )

Note added at 9 mins (2014-04-23 16:49:15 GMT)

See also: (Google search for: Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid policy impulse)

Note added at 12 mins (2014-04-23 16:52:02 GMT)

‘In de Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid van het ministerie van IenM (2012a) staan verscheidene maatregelen geformuleerd gericht op de veiligheid van zowel fietsers als ouderen. De effecten hiervan zullen de komende jaren moeten blijken.’


‘In the Policy Impulse Road Safety of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (2012a) several measures have been formulated that aim at the cyclist safety and safety of the elderly. The effects are to become apparent in years to come.’

(Monitor verkeersveiligheid 2012 – Ontwikkeling in verkeersdoden, ernstig verkeersgewonden, maatregelen en gedrag in 2011, published by the Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV: )

Note added at 4 hrs (2014-04-23 20:58:12 GMT)

Having just found a second relatively official-looking source that translates it as ‘policy impulse’ (the ‘Road Safety Annual Report 2013’ of the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), referred to in my 2 discussion entries above), I'm fairly certain that this is the best way to translate it:

road safety policy impulse (‘Beleidsimpuls Verkeersveiligheid’)

Note added at 4 hrs (2014-04-23 21:00:51 GMT)

In the ‘Road Safety Annual Report 2013’ published by the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), this is translated as ‘policy impulse’.

‘In 2008, the Road Safety Strategic Plan 2008-2020 (the Dutch “SPV”) was developed by the then Ministry of Transport and received support in Parliament. Road safety policy 2008-2020 is based on three cornerstones: co-operation, an integral approach and ‘sustainable safety’. Continuation of generic measures that have proven successful is ensured. Measures to reduce the risk of vulnerable road users and a tough approach on traffic offenders are among the measures targeting 12 areas of emphasis. Mobility demands and the social context of road users are taken into account.

In 2012, the current Road Safety Strategy 2008-2020 (link 1) was adapted, in accordance with its four-yearly evaluation. The evaluation was based on SWOVs Road Safety Outlook 2020 R-2012-14 (link 2) and the complementary policy impulse (link 3) (in Dutch).’

(source: Road Safety Annual Report 2013 – International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD): )

The 3 links in the above document:

link 1:
link 2:
link 3:
Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : Sorry, but this does sound odd, and your first reference is a bad translation - hence "policy impulse road safety" instead of "road safety policy impulse".
3 mins
Good point. Maybe turn it around to make ‘Road Safety Policy Impulse’. / but , yeah, it probably could be said better. ‘policy impetus’?
agree katerina turevich : policy impulse measures
49 mins
Thanks Katerina!
neutral Barend van Zadelhoff : 'policy impulse measures' even doesn't occur on the internet.
1 hr
‘road safety policy impulse’ does seem to be the most official translation. See my last 2 discussion entries (with the ref. to the IRTAD document).
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14 hrs

Road Safety Catalyst Measures

Policy: Road Safety Catalyst Measures

the following quotes come from here:

Direct actions:
a local government identifies and implements specific activities which
will conserve energy in their operation. These include building audits and retrofits, vehicle downsizing, etc.

whereby a local government defines key principles and activities
for guiding future action. These initiatives may not achieve immediate impacts, but through board endorsement they guide future activities. These policies can be a guide to future decision making and infrastructure development.

demonstrates actions which serve to enhance a culture of conservation, waste reduction and sustainability which is broader than exclusively energy or GHG savings. Some of these actions may have small emissions savings but a
substantial demonstration value, or may reduce emissions amongst staff or in the community that aren’t formally included in a corporate emissions inventory."

and here:
"Nevada’s RPS is the key policy catalyst for ensuring Nevada’s long-term goals for economic diversification and energy independence are maximized through its vast renewable resources"

I think this term doesn't have to be directly related to Road Safety concerns, but rather give the meaning of a new policy instituted with an eye for urgent change. I may be wrong.
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7 hrs

policy response

It seems to that this is about a response to a problem by the government.

Note added at 6 days (2014-04-30 06:43:12 GMT) Post-grading

on reflection, I think that 'policy initiative' is closer to what is intended here.
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