Jun 6, 2017 19:00
7 yrs ago
German term


German to English Social Sciences History Emigration Document 1859
Ich erklâre mich für alle Forderungen welche Art immer die etwa an meinen Bruder Engelbert Diepolder oder die Salome Steiner von wem immer gemacht werden sollten, mit meinem ganzen Mo. u. Immobilienvermögen persönlich und unter Verzicht auf der Einrede der Vorausklagung als Bürge u. Selbstschuldner haftbar, wogegen dem Wilhelm Diepolder vollkommen Schadloshaltung von Engelbert Diepolder u. Salome Steiner zugesichert wird.

This is a handwritten document, so it could be that a letter or two is wrong here or there. I found this definition of Vorausklagung, but am still not sure what we would say in English:

Vorausklagung, die frühere Ausklagung des Hauptschuldners als des Bürgen. Die Gesetze geben vermöge des sog. Beneficium ordinis dem Bürgen das Recht, daß er zunächst diese V. verlangen kann, ehe der Gläubiger sich an ihn um Bezahlung der Schuld wenden darf; vgl. Bürgschaft.

Proposed translations

12 hrs

first recourse

What the phrase "unter Verzicht auf der Einrede der Vorausklagung" means is that the guarantor is waiving his right to insist that recourse is first had against his brother or Salome Steiner i.e. the principal debtors.

A guarantor has in principle only a subsidiary responsibility if the principal debtor is unable to pay. By making this declaration here, the guarantor is allowing himself to be sued as if he was principal debtor and the creditor does not have to bother pursuing the brother or Salome Steiner.

HTH Paul
Note from asker:
That's great, thank you!
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2 hrs

Pre-emptive counter claim

might cover the concept but I fear your German word doesn't actually exist;
Note from asker:
It's an old-fashioned word! :)
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6 hrs

preemptory challenge

I would suggest

Note added at 6 hrs (2017-06-07 01:54:20 GMT)

any challenges brought forth against me as etc.

this is not modern English so maybe you could go with something along these lines
Note from asker:
That sounds good too, thank you!
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20 hrs
German term (edited): Einrede der Vorausklagung

plea of unexhausted remedies


Einrede der Vorausklage (=beneficium exussionis, beneficium ordinis), benefit of discussion: privilege of a surety that the creditor should first proceed against the debtor and exhaust his remedy against him.

Note added at 20 Stunden (2017-06-07 15:39:42 GMT)


I hereby declare to be personally liable for any and all claims against my brother ED or SS made by whomsoever with all of my property, personal and real, and under waiver of the plea of unexhausted remedies as a guarantor and principal, whereas WD shall be indemnified and held harmless from and against any and all claims brought against him by ED and SS.
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