Glossary entry

Croatian term or phrase:

prema vlastitom nahođenju

English translation:

at one\'s own discretion/at the discretion of

Added to glossary by Dinap
May 30, 2010 19:13
14 yrs ago
22 viewers *
Croatian term

prema vlastitom nahođenju

Croatian to English Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals clinical trials
Ispitivač će prema vlastitom nahođenju pacijentu ponuditi postupak praćenja tijekom 12 tjedana...

Proposed translations

1 hr

at one's own discretion/at the discretion of

Jos jedna opcija...

Note added at 1 hr (2010-05-30 20:27:26 GMT)

At the discretion of a qualified biologist the project Biological Monitor, restrictions will be placed on
the movement or deposition of fill, rock, or other materials containing weed seed or viable plant
cuttings to areas relatively free of weeds.

Note added at 1 hr (2010-05-30 20:27:58 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree bonafide1313
28 mins
Veliko hvala Jadranka!
agree zoe1
50 mins
Hvala Zorice!
agree Marina Pjevalica
1 day 3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala puno to je to"
40 mins

at one's convenience

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