Feb 2, 2007 12:22
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Dutch term

geplaatst bij anderen dan

Dutch to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) shares
De voorzitter opent de vergadering en constateert, dat ter vergadering vertegenwoordigd is het gehele bij anderen dan de vennootschap zelve geplaatste kapitaal van de vennootschap, te weten:

I'm a bit confused here. I know geplaatst kapitaal is issued capital, but is that what is referred to here? Or have I got the sentence structure wrong?
If anyone could shed any light on this I'd be really grateful. TIA


Jack den Haan Feb 2, 2007:
IMHO, this sentence can be read as follows: "De voorzitter opent de vergadering en constateert dat **het gehele kapitaal van de vennootschap dat bij anderen dan de vennootschap zelve is geplaatst**, ter vergadering vertegenwoordigd is, te weten:". HTH!

Proposed translations

26 mins

issued to third parties

My understanding is that the company holds parts of its own stock and that the attendees to the meeting represent all shareholders holding all the stock not held by the company itself.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "And thanks to Jack too - for confirming my take on the structure of the sentence."
22 hrs

issued to others

I read the sentence the same way. He is referring to the issued capital.
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