Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

check parking brakes

Arabic translation:

تفحص فرامــل التوقف

Added to glossary by Saleh Ayyub
Nov 2, 2003 09:20
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

check parking brakes

Non-PRO English to Arabic Tech/Engineering
Preventative maintenance vehicle Inspection Form. The following items for translation are all parts of a vehicle.

Proposed translations

16 mins

تفحص فرامــل التوقف

nad in order not to confuse it with the ordinary breaks I would suggest adding words such as :


Note added at 2003-11-02 09:39:40 (GMT)

This is because there are other words used such as the hand brakes, and stopping brakes, foot brake; and hence based on your context you may use the appropriate phrase i.e

تفحص فرامــل التوقف الميداني

Note added at 2003-11-02 10:21:34 (GMT)

I did not like to use the word الوقوف to avoid conveying the meaning of the the frequent stoopping that occurs during the normal stopping while driving the vehicle though traffic.

Peer comment(s):

agree PrimaTrans : تفقد فرامل (كوابح) الوقوف
17 mins
Thanks ..
agree Awad Balaish
31 mins
Thanks ..
agree Sam Shalalo
21 hrs
Thanks ..
agree Dr Wahidi
1 day 11 hrs
Thanks ..
agree Mumtaz
2 days 8 hrs
Thanks ..
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18 mins

اختبر كوابح الانتظار

اختبر كوابح الوقوف
اختبر كوابح صف العربة
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agree Spring2007 (X)
12 hrs
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