Jan 6, 2013 12:00
12 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Grill Over

English to Arabic Social Sciences Telecom(munications) أمثلة: علم الأ
By indicating he opposes Levesons proposal for statutory regulation, which his coalition partner Nick Clegg supports, Prime Minister Cameron is adopting a similar position to the news organizations the inquiry grilled him over.
Change log

Jan 6, 2013 22:56: Lamis Maalouf changed "Language pair" from "Arabic to English" to "English to Arabic"

Proposed translations

23 hrs


استجواب بلا هوادة

Note added at 23 hrs (2013-01-07 11:40:15 GMT)

... التي تم استجوابه بخصوصها.
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agree Awad Balaish
2 hrs
شكرًا لك -))
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19 hrs

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