Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Chinese translation:


Added to glossary by Ozethai
Jun 17, 2004 13:10
20 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Chinese Other Linguistics
mentle attribution
personal attribution
personal skill

what difference?


chica nueva Jun 18, 2004:
attribution should be attributes?

Proposed translations

7 hrs


Your personal attribution is your physical, spiritual or mental attribution. For example, many people may have a sixth sense, an instinct to acquire wealth very quickly, etc. It also contains all the skills that you have, including personal ones. For example, some people can wiggle their ears at will, while others can't. Some people write Chinese beautifully, others type it on the keyboard fast, etc. Your attrition may be natural, your skills are mainly acquired or trained. For example, you may be born with a sixth sence being able to see the ghost, but your sword dancing skills are probably acquired through years of training and practice.
Peer comment(s):

agree Chinoise
22 hrs
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 hrs

怱棟摿惈丆 槩恖摿惈丆槩恖媄擻

attribution is like quality

skill is a learned thing

Note added at 3 hrs 1 min (2004-06-17 16:11:31 GMT)


Note added at 3 hrs 1 min (2004-06-17 16:11:44 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

agree Wenjer Leuschel (X)
3 days 44 mins
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20 hrs

attribute = 性质;属性

attribute = a quality forming part of the nature of a person or thing 性质;属性 eg Kindness is one of his many attributes. 仁慈是他的许多好品性之一.

Note added at 20 hrs 28 mins (2004-06-18 09:39:06 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

agree Chinoise
9 hrs
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