Jan 20, 2007 00:10
18 yrs ago
English term

the ways each family deals with loss,emotion,transitions,holidays,transformation

English to Croatian Medical Psychology
Healing ritu¬als have seven common aspects:
1. They involve a symbolic reenactment or passive reminder of the specific trauma (the names on the Vietnam Memoriai Wall, burn¬ing a letter to a perpetrator) and the specific impact of the trauma on each individual family member. Public ritu als already in existence may be considered.
2. They include a period of preparation and symbol making. Sym¬bol s signify what was lost or changed by the traumatic event and have before-and-after aspects.
3. They involve everyone in the family in specific ways through action taking and emotional expression. The actions symbolize both beginnings and endings.
4. They have a setting that is a physical reminder or memorial or may be an anniversary date.
5. They have intense transformatory power.
6. They include guides (e.g., therapists, shamans) as helpers.
7. They consider the ways each individual family deals with loss, emotion, transitions, holidays, and transformations and respect the family's coping style (Catherall, 1992).


Dragomir Kovacevic (X) Jan 20, 2007:
tu oko termina "transition", "transformation", kako kaže kolega buzov, pomislite i na našu riječ "promjena" tj. kako se neko obnaša u periodima promjena...
BUZOV Jan 20, 2007:
tranzicija = prijelaz .... transformacija = preobraženje ... i to je to !
Nives (asker) Jan 20, 2007:
zapravo su "nezgodni" za prijevod sljedeći: transition, transformation ...ovo ostalo sam stavila jer je tako tijek rečenice

Proposed translations

11 mins

način na koji se pojedina obitelj nosi s gubitkom, osjećajem, ...

Peer comment(s):

agree Kristina Kolic : nastavak bi mogao izgledati ovako ... prijelaznim razdobljem (ili tranzicijom), promjenom (transformacijom)
1 hr
Da, slažem se s vama. Hvala.
agree Ariana Koši : i početak i nastavak
6 hrs
agree Gordana Podvezanec
7 hrs
agree Slavica Kosca : transformation=preobrazba, preobražaj
14 hrs
agree Sherefedin MUSTAFA : ... spravlja/snalazi s ...
20 hrs
Hvala, premda se baš ne bih složila sa "spravlja".:)
agree ciovo
21 hrs
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