Glossary entry

angličtina term or phrase:

trust indenture

čeština translation:

smlouva emitenta se správcem cizího majetku/cenných papírů

Added to glossary by jankaisler
Jun 28, 2014 14:52
10 yrs ago
3 viewers *
angličtina term

trust indenture

angličtina -> čeština Obchod/finance Právo: daně & cla Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting
This is from USA tax-form called: Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting

Certified Deemed-Compliant Limited Life Debt Investment Entity
I certify that the entity identified in Part I:
• Was in existence as of January 17, 2013;
• Issued all classes of its debt or equity interests to investors on or before January 17, 2013, pursuant to a trust indenture or similar agreement; and
• Is certified deemed-compliant because it satisfies the requirements to be treated as a limited life debt investment entity (such as the restrictions with respect to its assets and other requirements under § 1.1471-5(f)(2)(iv)).
Change log

May 2, 2015 21:38: jankaisler changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/82556">Marek Obdrzalek's</a> old entry - "trust indenture"" to ""smlouva o svěřenecké správě (obligací)""

May 2, 2015 21:38: jankaisler changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/110874">jankaisler's</a> old entry - "trust indenture"" to ""smlouva emitenta se správcem cizího majetku/cenných papírů"""


jankaisler Jun 29, 2014:
Zde máme problém - jedná se o smlouvu mezi emitentem a správcem cizího majetku (cenných papírů), který zastupuje vlastníky těchto aktiv.

Ale svěřenecká smlouva se uzavírá mezi správcem a beneficientem (vlastníkem majetku).
Viz § 1400 a násl. NOZ

Proposed translations

13 min

smlouva o svěřenecké správě (obligací)

"A trust indenture is a type of bond agreement that is executed between the issuer of the bond and a trustee that is charged with representing the interests of the bondholder."

Note added at 1 day8 mins (2014-06-29 15:00:20 GMT)

asi by bylo nejlepší: "smlouva emitenta se správcem cizího majetku/cenných papírů"
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Děkuji."
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