Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

affect the status of...

French translation:

concerner le statut de...

Added to glossary by Yolanda Broad
Feb 17, 2003 21:06
22 yrs ago
English term

effecting the status

English to French Law/Patents Insolvency
To review the facts effecting the status of the claims of third parties and the practical implications for the trustee or receiver.

Proposed translations

17 hrs


another possibility

to affect (the verb)

effect (result, noun)

very common mistake
Peer comment(s):

neutral Paul Berthelot : influençant
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci bien à tous."
17 mins


Effecting meaning having effect? Ayant un effet sur, relatif à

Should be affecting: touchant
Peer comment(s):

agree RHELLER : affecting is the proper term (common mistake) - or "qui a un effet sur"
17 hrs
Indeed. Thanks
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21 mins

amenant un accord sur le statut de la plainte

C'est uniquement un "guess"
effect, to conclure v.

Déf. :
Amener à sa fin par un accord.

effecting payments mandatement de dépenses n. m.
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8 hrs

voir ci-dessous

deux possibilités selon moi:
1-l'orthographe est juste : " en établissant/déterminant/réalisant le statut ..."
2-affecting the status ==> qui concernent le(au regard du) statut de la plainte
Peer comment(s):

agree danyce : 2eme
4 hrs
merci Danyce
agree Yolanda Broad
10 days
merci Yolanda
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