Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

maintain (account)

German translation:

führen (Konto)

Added to glossary by Lydia Molea
Aug 17, 2004 09:05
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


English to German Bus/Financial Finance (general) Fund management
The accounts of the various sub-funds are maintained in the following currencies... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks

Discussion Aug 17, 2004:
Sch�nen Dank an alle - mehr Kontext habe ich leider nicht, nur dass es sich um Fondgesellschaften handelt... Aug 17, 2004:
Besten Dank, Lydia -

Proposed translations

1 min


Konten werden normalerweise geführt
Peer comment(s):

agree Steffen Walter : Hier ist ja heute was los - drei gleichzeitige Antworten!
2 mins
Danke :)
agree Aniello Scognamiglio (X)
7 mins
agree Regina Seelos (X)
50 mins
agree astauber
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks to all of you! Lydia - I graded you, as you had been the first to reply. All the best,"
1 min


würde ich tippen

oder gehalten
Peer comment(s):

agree Steffen Walter : geführt
1 min
agree Aniello Scognamiglio (X) : geführt
7 mins
Something went wrong...
3 mins


Die Konten ....... werden in den folgenden Währungen geführt.
Peer comment(s):

agree Aniello Scognamiglio (X) : 2 minutes:-(
7 mins
Something went wrong...
1 min

werden geführt

oder evtl. bereit gehalten
Man müsste mehr Kontext haben.

Note added at 3 mins (2004-08-17 09:08:56 GMT)

Na... in Französisch würde man sagen \"les grands esprits se rencontrent\"... ;-) Internet macht\'s möglich!
Peer comment(s):

agree Aniello Scognamiglio (X)
1 min
agree Steffen Walter : "maintained in the following currencies" deutet eher auf "geführt" hin.
2 mins
Danke. Tja, hier rauchen die Köpfe... alle gleichzeitig! ;-)
Something went wrong...
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