English term
Let your word flow into our hearts like a river. Clear our minds and let us hear
Clear our minds and let us hear your holy voice."
This is a prayer. I need a native German speaker to confirm or correct my translation below:
Lieber Gott,
Möge Dein Wort wie ein Fluss in unsern Herzen hineinfliessen. Befreie unsere Seelen und lass uns Deine heilige Stimme hören. Amen
4 | Lass dein Wort ... |
![]() |
5 +2 | see phrase |
Tanja Wohlgemuth
![]() |
4 +1 | Lass Dein Wort unsere Herzen fuellen wie ein frischer Quell. |
Ursula Peter-Czichi
![]() |
Apr 18, 2005 13:48: NGK changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO" , "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Religion"
Proposed translations
Lass dein Wort ...
"Befreie unsere Seelen" might go too far here — what seems to be said is that the mind must be purified so it will be receptive to the divine. It may come down to the same thing, but "Geist" seems to be closer to "mind" than "Seele" (which would be "soul"). Tricky.
see phrase
"Möge Dein Wort wie ein Fluss in unsere Herzen hineinfließen / (maybe better: einfließen). Befreie unsere Seelen und lass uns Deine heilige Stimme hören. Amen"
agree |
Klaus Herrmann
: Yes, sounds good. As for to flow, I'd suggest strömen.
7 mins
agree |
Geneviève von Levetzow
: Einverstanden mit Klaus.
28 mins
Lass Dein Wort unsere Herzen fuellen wie ein frischer Quell.
just an alternative
Note added at 2002-05-15 20:00:17 (GMT)
You may like to think about changing the salutation. \"Lieber Gott, ... \" makes it sound a little like a child\'s prayer, when the content does not support that notion. An alternative would be:
Lass Dein Wort, Gott, (followed by anyone of the nice versions here..)
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