Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

sales release pack

German translation:


Added to glossary by Herbert Fipke
Sep 16, 2002 16:09
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

sales release pack

English to German Tech/Engineering
talking about a CD sales release pack, can't think of a good way of saying this in German

Discussion Sep 16, 2002:
sales release pack sorry about lack of info;it is a CD-ROM sales release pack of a new printer and it includes photographs,data sheets, service bulletins etc.
Steffen Walter Sep 16, 2002:
A German rendition would also highly depend on what is included in the "pack" since this is a highly ambiguous term...
Steffen Walter Sep 16, 2002:
Neither can I without more info. Are we talking audio CDs or (software) CD-ROMs?

Proposed translations

1 hr


...scheint mir hier zu passen. Manchmal wird auch von "CD-Starter-Kit" gesprochen oder schlicht und einfach von "CD-Begleitmaterial".
Peer comment(s):

agree nettranslatorde
4 hrs
agree FRENDTrans : CD-Starter-Kit ist geläufig
12 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks "
14 mins

"Paket" zum CD-Verkaufsstart (or: zur Markteinführung der CD)

The only possible, vague, answer given the lack of context. I deliberately put "Paket" in inverted commas since I don't know what this "pack" is to include.

Note added at 2002-09-16 16:30:53 (GMT)

Or is this to be read as a \"CD pack for a sales release of product so-and-so\"?? A bit confused ?-:

Note added at 2002-09-16 16:55:48 (GMT)

new option based on your added info:

CD-ROM-Paket zum Verkaufsstart (zur Markteinführung) des Druckers
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