Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
land treatment
Italian translation:
spandimento sul suolo
English term
land treated
May 9, 2005 19:25: Ilde Grimaldi changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Environment & Ecology"
Proposed translations
quali rifiuti vengono avviati allo spandimento sul suolo/al trattamento in ambiente terrestre
Su Eurodicautom ho trovato che nelle direttive "land treatment" è tradotto con "spandimento sul suolo" e poi:
land treatment
Reference OJEC L 310/1994
Note {NTE} waste
TERM Behandlung im Boden
Reference AbEG L 310/1994
TERM traitement en milieu terrestre
Reference JOCE L 310/1994
Note {NTE} déchets
TERM trattamento in ambiente terrestre
trattamenti speciali dei rifiuti prima di essere smaltiti /sparsi sul terreno
LDR = Land Disposal Restrictions
Prohibited Wastes: Wastes that have to meet their treatment standards before land disposal.
Restricted Wastes: Wastes that have LDR treatment standards, but can be land disposed without treatment because of an exemption (e.g., a capacity variance).
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