Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

phase account

Italian translation:

conti durante la fase della....

Added to glossary by Chiara De Rosso
Mar 30, 2008 16:16
16 yrs ago
English term

phase account

English to Italian Law/Patents Finance (general) phase account
all interno di un contratto accanto ad altri termini quali Disbursement Account e Debt Service Reserve Account

Di che cosa si tratta?
Proposed translations (Italian)
4 conti durante la fase della....


Chiara De Rosso (asker) Apr 2, 2008:
si tratta di un accordo di mutuo si, ma il termine si trova anche in Operation phase account, ove operating account è il conto di gestione...
Chiara De Rosso (asker) Apr 2, 2008:
Section 3.01. Disbursement Account

(a) The Borrower shall procure that all Disbursements shall be deposited into the Disbursement Account in accordance with Section 5.11(b) of the Loan Agreement.

(b) Save as otherwise agreed by EBRD (Salvo quanto diversamente concordato da..), the Borrower may only withdraw amounts from the Disbursement Account for the purposes and in the order of priority set out in Section 5.11(b) of the Loan Agreement
Grazie per le vostre intuizioni, sperando che questo paragrafo possa essere illuminante
Chiara De Rosso (asker) Apr 2, 2008:
Gentili colleghi
Lucia Lia Pittau Mar 31, 2008:
Si chiara, non sembra esserci traccia sul web, dacci più contesto chissà si tratta di un errore.
James (Jim) Davis Mar 30, 2008:
Please give as much as the surrounging English source text as possible.

Proposed translations

2 days 22 hrs

conti durante la fase della....

Conti durante la fase della costruzione.
E' un mutuo per finanziare la costruzione di una casa.

Note added at 3 days55 mins (2008-04-02 17:12:36 GMT)

The operational or repayment phase is when the house has been built and the borrowers start to repay the loan. During the construction phase the bank "disburses" (grants) the loan usually to the builder gradually as the house is built. It wants to see invoices for the work done. Once that phase has finished then the account can be closed and a new account opened.

Note added at 10 days (2008-04-09 17:30:59 GMT) Post-grading

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "grazie molte veramente per il tuo suggerimento!"
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