Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Italian translation:

taglio / intaccatura / larghezza di taglio

Added to glossary by Daniel Mencher
Nov 11, 2004 23:17
20 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term


English to Italian Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering

"Faster cutting, narrow Kerf Diamond Chain"

ho capito cosa si intende ma non so se esiste un corrispondente termine tecnico in italiano. Per adesso ho tradotto "larghezza di taglio ridotta"


Gabo Pena Nov 11, 2004:
kerf o curve?

Proposed translations

2 days 15 hrs

taglio / intaccatura

kerf = taglio / intaccatura

for an explanation of what the word means in English, see willmatter's answer above
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks to both of you, client confirmed that "larghezza di taglio" is OK"
50 mins

solco di taglio

Definition: the narrow slot cut by a saw advancing through wood. This is the basic and most common definition.

Note added at 2004-11-12 00:11:04 (GMT)

Also, when you chop down a tree the cut is called a kerf but this defintion is not used very much. However, in either case, the underlying meaning is: the narrow (thin) area where the wood is cut, whether by an ax or a saw HTH.

Note added at 2004-11-12 00:15:08 (GMT)

For your example sentence above, \"narrow kerf\" means that the chainsaw makes a thin, exact cut and doesn\'t waste much wood. Some chainsaws have a narrow (thin) kerf, some are thicker and some are very thick. Hope this helps.


Peer comment(s):

neutral Daniel Mencher : your explanation is top-notch, but I think I have a better translation below
2 days 14 hrs
OK. Thanks.
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