Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

water sludge (in contesto)

Italian translation:


Added to glossary by Lucia Lia Pittau
Oct 3, 2008 07:05
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

water sludge (in contesto)

English to Italian Tech/Engineering Other fuel quality monitoring device
intende forse "fanghiglia" in questo caso?

Occurs at the end of the test.
Unstable fluid opacity may be caused by aeration, **water sludge***, or an amount of cold fuel passing through FQM-20.
Allow machine to work up to normal operating temperature before performing condition monitoring.
For direct online tests, run tests with a stable system and ensure that 2 bar minimum line pressure is available at the monitor to reduce the possibility of aeration
Proposed translations (Italian)
3 morchia
Change log

Jan 2, 2009 09:39: Lucia Lia Pittau Created KOG entry

Mar 26, 2009 09:32: Lucia Lia Pittau changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/73688">Lucia Lia Pittau's</a> old entry - "water sludge (in contesto)"" to ""morchia""


Marina Capalbo (asker) Oct 3, 2008:
ehi, sei per caso isolana come me?? il cognome mi fa pensare che tu sia sarda, o forse figlia di emigrati?
Marina Capalbo (asker) Oct 3, 2008:
si tratta di COMBUSTIBILI
Lucia Lia Pittau Oct 3, 2008:
che tipo di materiale/liquido viene trattato?

Proposed translations

24 mins


potrebbe trattarsi di depoditi di olio lubrificante
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "grazie"
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