Jul 1, 2003 13:34
21 yrs ago
English term

dual nitrogen

English to Italian Tech/Engineering
GTl fuel can be used in new after-treatment technologies such as daul nitrogen and particulates reduction devices, which require very low level of sulphur in the fuel
Proposed translations (Italian)
2 a doppia azione
4 a doppia filtrazione

Proposed translations

31 mins

a doppia azione

Forse 'dual' è riferito a devices. Cioè
dual devices of nitrogen and particulates reduction.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr

a doppia filtrazione

probabilmente per migliorare la purezza si è una doppia filtrazione

Es. vedi sotto
Dual-Bed Models
NNI has designed a series of standardized dual-bed systems with built-in features to optimize the performance of the units, while keeping capital costs to a minimum. With flow rates from 1,200 SCFH to 4,000 SCFH @ 99.5% nitrogen purity, this Dual-Bed series of models picks up where the Mono-Bed series ends.
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