Jan 2, 2007 23:00
17 yrs ago
English term

he is now

English to Polish Other History
Hello! I would like to ask somebody to translate this sentence into Polish for me:
He is now in the land down under...probably jumping out if airplanes.
Thank you
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Proposed translations

1 hr

jest teraz w Australii ... przypuszczalnie skaczac z samolotow

Correct Polish is "Skacząc", and not "Skakając".
Peer comment(s):

agree Andrzej Mierzejewski : right, but correct Polish requires Polish signs: skacząc; samolotów ;-)//+ I'd replace "z samolotów" with "z samolotu" - in this context in Polish, a single plane sounds better than many planes.
5 hrs
agree root
7 hrs
agree Agnieszka Gordon Ph.D. : although 'obecnie przebywa w Australii....' sounds much better :)XX your version is not any closer as the meaning is the same...'przebywa' sounds much better though:)
8 hrs
'is' = 'jest'; 'przebywa' = 'stays/sojourns'; ergo: my version is closer to the original; as regards which word is better it's a matter of personal taste;
neutral pidzej : jest w A. skacząc itd to nie jest dobre zestawienie; jest w A, pewnie skacze sobie z samolotów
9 hrs
'sobie' brzmi troche lepiej, fakt; z drugiej strony 'idzie skaczac po gorach' obywa sie dobrze bez 'sobie';
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 hr

obecnie sie znajduje w Australii -- przypuszczalnie skakajac z samolotow

assuming you mean Austalia
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