Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Portuguese translation:

roupa no estendal!

Added to glossary by Nick Taylor
Nov 2, 2013 20:28
11 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term


English to Portuguese Medical Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng experiência em sala de a
Arrange the children into groups of three or four. Ask them to think about and discuss what evidence there is that air is all around us. Guide them to think about specific activities that would not be possible without air being present. The children may suggest kites flying, washing/trees blowing, or people breathing.

não entendi o porquê da barra ( washing/trees blowing).
Você acham que washing que não significa lavagem? O inglês é britânico.
Proposed translations (Portuguese)
5 +4 roupa no estendal!
Change log

Nov 6, 2013 17:14: Nick Taylor Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

2 hrs

roupa no estendal!

roupa no estendal!
Peer comment(s):

agree Márcio Clemente : Exactamente!
13 mins
thanks Márcio
agree Paulinho Fonseca
4 hrs
thanks Paulinho
agree Marlene Curtis : roupa no varal para PT-BR
12 hrs
fair enough Marlene, thanks
agree connie leite
1 day 19 hrs
thanks Connie
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