Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
What vision would you articulate
Portuguese translation:
que propostas você formularia
Added to glossary by
Mary Palmer
Jul 22, 2011 19:19
13 yrs ago
English term
What vision would you articulate
English to Portuguese
Medical (general)
I need help translating the above words. I don't feel comfortable doing a literal translation ("Qual visão você articularia?" Hummm...I don't think so). So, your suggestions will be much appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
Questions for the (NAME OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY) Account team to consider:
How do you plan to increase the frequency and strategic nature of your interactions with Dr. (NAME OF A DOCTOR) and others like Dr. (NAME OF A DOCTOR)?
What insight do you need to obtain BEFORE having your next conversation with him?
**What vision would you articulate** to Dr. (NAME OF A DOCTOR) or others, (regarding an innovate idea or potential patient pathway solution), he/they is/are aligned with?
How would you envision the outcome of the next conversation? How would you ensure that happens?
Thanks a lot!
Questions for the (NAME OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY) Account team to consider:
How do you plan to increase the frequency and strategic nature of your interactions with Dr. (NAME OF A DOCTOR) and others like Dr. (NAME OF A DOCTOR)?
What insight do you need to obtain BEFORE having your next conversation with him?
**What vision would you articulate** to Dr. (NAME OF A DOCTOR) or others, (regarding an innovate idea or potential patient pathway solution), he/they is/are aligned with?
How would you envision the outcome of the next conversation? How would you ensure that happens?
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
1 hr
que propostas você formularia
+ uma sugestão...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Muita obrigada Teresa! :)"
12 mins
que idéias você passaria
tentando não ser literal
Espero que ajude.
Espero que ajude.
1 hr
Que sugestões você faria...
Levando-se em conta que o verbo articulate tb tem o significado de expressar.
1 hr
que concepções você apresentaria
Hi Mary,
I would translate 'what vision would you articulate' as 'que concepções você apresentaria' ao Dr (....) (a fim de expressar uma idéia ou solução inovativa ....)
I hope that helps,
I would translate 'what vision would you articulate' as 'que concepções você apresentaria' ao Dr (....) (a fim de expressar uma idéia ou solução inovativa ....)
I hope that helps,
2 hrs
Que entendimento você mostraria (ao DR) a respeito da.....
idéia/ linha de tratamento com a qual ele está alinhado?
6 hrs
Qual a perspetiva que você apresentaria ao Dr.....
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