Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Portuguese translation:

a cota de tempo de que dispõe

Added to glossary by Teresa Cristina Felix de Sousa
Jul 31, 2007 18:47
17 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term


English to Portuguese Bus/Financial Other Empreendedorismo
A despeito do que um empreendedor faça, today's ration is 24 hours, and yesterday's time is already history. Growth is demanding of the entrepreneur's time, but as the entrepreneur allocates time to growth it must be diverted from other activities and this can cause problems.
today's ration = o racionamento de hoje?


Teresa Cristina Felix de Sousa (asker) Jul 31, 2007:
Não faz muita diferena, Marcelo, mas lá vai: No matter what an entrepreneur does, today's ration is 24 hours, and yesterday's time is already history. Growth is demanding ofthe entrepreneur's time, but as the entrepreneur allocates time to growth it must be diverted from other activities and this can cause problems.
Marcel F Jul 31, 2007:
Please show the whole sentence in English.

Proposed translations

43 mins

a cota de tempo de que dispõe

Não importa o que... ...a cota de tempo de que dispõe hoje é de 24 horas...
Peer comment(s):

agree reginakersten
21 mins
obrigado, Regina
agree Clarice Guelfi (X)
49 mins
obrigado, Clarice
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Tks a ton T."
46 mins


The problem is it a very unusual use of the word "ration." Ration, in this sense, is supposed to refer to the allotment or apportionment of time that we have to do something. For example, we are alloted 2 hours to complete the exam. Each day we are "allotted" or "rationed" 24 hours in which to do whatever we need to do.

("Daily rations" is the term to describe the food that a prisoner is allowed to eat each day.)

Hope this helps!
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