Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

cut me a little slack

Russian translation:

оставь меня в покое/дай мне больше времени/свободы

Added to glossary by Dmytro Voskolovych
Dec 8, 2004 21:48
20 yrs ago
English term

cut me a little slack

English to Russian Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
so tell your husband to cut me a little slack, will you?

is it some sort of idiom?

Proposed translations

8 mins

оставь меня в покое/дай мне больше времени/свободы

cut me some slack=give me more time, give me more freedom

Note added at 9 mins (2004-12-08 21:57:53 GMT)

В зависимости от контекста..
Idioms: cut and dried -- cut me to the quick
may be asking too much of your son. Cut him some slack. cut ...

Note added at 16 mins (2004-12-08 22:04:18 GMT)

P.S. and by the way, a nice story in your profile
Peer comment(s):

agree Yuri Smirnov
8 hrs
agree SirReaL : Я бы перефразировал как "don't ask too much of me" или "lay off me, will ya?" или "don't be so picky".
14 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "phew, thanks! :)) (and for the compliment, too) btw--saw the orange scarf in your userpic and couldn't help but drop you an e-mail about it. :))) "
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