Mar 27, 2011 20:27
13 yrs ago
17 viewers *
English term
English to Serbian
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Dopuble dummy clinical trial
During this type of a clinical trial, all patients are given both placebo and active doses in alternating periods of time.
What's the expression of this type of a trial in Serbian> Does it exist, or is 'double-dummy" used instead of a local word?
During this type of a clinical trial, all patients are given both placebo and active doses in alternating periods of time.
What's the expression of this type of a trial in Serbian> Does it exist, or is 'double-dummy" used instead of a local word?
Proposed translations
5 +1 | double-dummy |
Marko Bukurov
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4 +4 | sa dvostrukim/duplim placebom |
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KudoZ |
V&M Stanković
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Proposed translations
29 mins
Postoji više prevoda ovog termina koji su uglavnom improvizacija i od kojih meni najprihvatljivije deluje "naizmenično maskirano/slepo ispitivanje". U ovom slučaju, mislim da je u prethodnom odgovoru napravljena mala greška koja može dovesti do zabune, jer se ne radi o dvostrukom placebu. Naime, pacijenti ne primaju dva placeba, već ispitivani lek i placebo.
Mi koristimo izvorni termin i to je praksa koja je prihvaćena i u Agenciji za lekove i medicinska sredstva Srbije, tako da je "double-dummy" sasvim legitimno upotrebiti. U prilogu šaljem link "Zahtev za odobrenje kliničkog ispitivanja" u kom se vidi da u Agenciji, ne samo da prepoznaju ovaj termin, već se ne libe da ga koriste u ćiriličnoj verziji :) Šalu na stranu, radi se o problemu s pisanjem stranih termina koji ima čitava administracija od kada je latinično pismo "strogo zabranjeno"...
Mi koristimo izvorni termin i to je praksa koja je prihvaćena i u Agenciji za lekove i medicinska sredstva Srbije, tako da je "double-dummy" sasvim legitimno upotrebiti. U prilogu šaljem link "Zahtev za odobrenje kliničkog ispitivanja" u kom se vidi da u Agenciji, ne samo da prepoznaju ovaj termin, već se ne libe da ga koriste u ćiriličnoj verziji :) Šalu na stranu, radi se o problemu s pisanjem stranih termina koji ima čitava administracija od kada je latinično pismo "strogo zabranjeno"...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "After giving it a careful consideration, I decided to retain the English term. However, I cannot say that I entirely agree with your explanation. Thanks anyway."
2 mins
sa dvostrukim/duplim placebom
Note from asker:
Thanks a lot for your help. Your answer confirms the previous kudoZ question! |
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Katarina Delic
5 mins
agree |
V&M Stanković
10 mins
agree |
Marija Novakovic
11 hrs
agree |
slađana milinković
3 days 14 hrs
Reference comments
3 mins
Note added at 1 hr (2011-03-27 21:35:51 GMT)
U.S. National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
Appendix B Glossary
The use of two placebos in a trial that match the active interventions when they vary in appearance or method of administration (for example, when an oral agent is compared with an injectable agent).
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Note added at 1 hr (2011-03-27 21:35:51 GMT)
U.S. National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
Appendix B Glossary
The use of two placebos in a trial that match the active interventions when they vary in appearance or method of administration (for example, when an oral agent is compared with an injectable agent).
( )
Note from asker:
Thanks, Vesna--Yes, I should have checked first...:) |
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