Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Spanish translation:

drupa y polidrupa

Added to glossary by mgazitua
Nov 10, 2009 13:51
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Science Agriculture
Dear colleagues:
Found in a US patent for a raspberry variety:
"Fruit that is uniformly conic in shape, glossy, with ***druplets*** evenly distributed around the berry".
Apparently also spelled "drupelets".
Many thanks,
Mauricio Gazitua


Richard Boulter Nov 11, 2009:
Thanks for the addded input, Miguel. I'm just learning new things hand-over-fist, here! Thanks for the additional clarification on Spanish ag expressions, Miguel. This is the kind of discussion where we can really hone some skills. Regards, All.

Proposed translations

11 mins

drupa y polidrupa

La frambuesa es un fruto de tipo polidrupa y, por lo tanto, está formado por numerosas drupas. En inglés estás drupas se llaman 'drupelets' pero en español siguen siendo drupas.

Lo verás más claramente en estos dos enlaces:

Saludos y suerte con tu traducción.
Peer comment(s):

agree Richard Boulter : Perhaps 'polidrupa'. A 'drupe' is clearly an individual fruit with a stone (olive) while 'drupelet' (also 'drupel' by Oxford English Dictionary) = component part of the entire fruit (sections of a raspberry). Cristina's refs are great but 'drupe' is not.
21 hrs
However, in Spanish, a druplet in a 'polidrupa' is called 'drupa'. In fact, the 'clearly individual fruit' in lots of berries are actually an aggregation of fruits. Thanks for the comments, Richard!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Estimado Miguel: Muy agradecido de tu pronta respuesta y también agradezco a todos quienes cooperaron. Muy cordialmente, Mauricio Gazitua Santiago, Chile"
8 mins

drupa pequeña

Raspberry: Encyclopedia - Raspberry
In raspberry and other species of the subgenus Idaeobatus, the druplets ... but instead an aggregate fruit of numerous drupelets around a central core. ...
drupelet Sustantivo
1. drupa pequeña; A small part of an aggregate fruit that resembles a drupe.
Peer comment(s):

agree Gloria Cifuentes Dowling
4 hrs
Muchas gracias Gloria. Un abrazo.
agree Richard Boulter
21 hrs
Thank you Richard. Saludos.
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9 mins


type of fruit (in angiosperm (plant): Fruits)

...there is usually only one seed per carpel or locule. Drupes are fleshy fruits and consist of an inner stony or woody endocarp, which adheres to the seed (peaches, plums, and cherries). The term druplet is used for each unit of aggregate fruit of this type (e.g., raspberries and blackberries). Pomes are fleshy fruits of the ...

MLA Style:
"druplet." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 10 Nov. 2009 <>...

APA Style:
druplet. (2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved November 10, 2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:


druplet or drupelet:

a small part of an aggregate fruit that resembles a drupe
Peer comment(s):

agree Vicky Rengifo
45 mins
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4 hrs


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