Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

her pro rata share of its income for inclusion on their income tax returns

Spanish translation:

su participacion proporcional de los ingresos para incluirlos en sus propias declaraciones

Added to glossary by Marina Soldati
Sep 23, 2005 02:28
19 yrs ago
14 viewers *
English term

her pro rata share of its income for inclusion on their income tax returns

English to Spanish Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
Gracias por su colaboración.

"Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) - Investor-owned TRUST which invests in real estate and, instead of paying income tax on its income, reports to each of its owners his or **her pro rata share of its income for inclusion on their income tax returns**. This unique trust arrangement is specifically provided for in the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE."


Un poco largo, Charlie... Adem�s tienes a�n preguntas abiertas.

Proposed translations

4 mins

su participacion proporcional de los ingresos para incluirlos en sus propias declaraciones..

de impuestos
Peer comment(s):

agree Rafael Molina Pulgar
43 mins
Gracias Rafael
agree Pablo Grosschmid : ...en los ingresos ...
2 hrs
Mil gracias Pablo
agree raulruiz
5 hrs
Thanks Raul
agree Palíndromo
6 hrs
Thanks a lot GBB
agree hecdan (X) : también 'para que la incluyan en sus...'
6 hrs
Si también, gracias
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "gracias!"
4 hrs

su participación prorrateada de la renta (del fondo) para su inclusión en sus declaraciones

un REIT tiene renta, por ser una inversión financiera, en lugar de ingresos...
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