Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Spanish translation:
English term
3 +4 | una solución sensata | María Teresa Taylor Oliver |
Apr 21, 2005 19:29: María Teresa Taylor Oliver changed "Language pair" from "Spanish to English" to "English to Spanish"
Proposed translations
una solución sensata
Es lo que me parece que es el significado...
Qué redacción tan horrible en inglés.
Note added at 4 mins (2005-04-21 19:29:46 GMT)
una solución con sentido común
una solución de buen juicio
Según el Larousse, una de las acepciones de \"sense\" (que hay muchas) es precisamente \"buen juicio, sentido común\".
5 a : MIND, SENTIENCE, INTELLIGENCE <as if the steel had sense -- Edmund Spenser> b : sound mental capacity often marked by shrewd practical understanding <a man of sense> <had sense enough to win>; also : something that is based on or typical of such sense : a logical, sensible, or practical thing, act, or way of doing <no sense in waiting> <your decision makes sense>
agree |
Cecilia Della Croce
1 min
Gracias, Cecilia :)
agree |
Leopoldo Gurman
: This is a sense-wise agrí IT proofed according to global regulations. If you care not to agree with us under the scalable mainframe senseless record, please refrain from reading =;)
5 mins
Hahaahahahah typical techie/marketing/etc. jargon-babble :P~
agree |
12 mins
agree |
Gabriela Rodriguez
15 mins