Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

which LSMS the Brick is homed to

Spanish translation:

¿A cuál LSMS el dispositivo está conectado?

Added to glossary by Jorge Merino
Oct 23, 2006 13:20
18 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

which LSMS the Brick is homed to

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Computers: Software
you can see if the Brick is UP (i.e.communicating with the LSMS), which LSMS the Brick is homed to, packet throughput, or other data, the Status Monitor may be accessed from menu bar on the LSMS Navigator, or you may log into it directly.
muchas gracias

Proposed translations

1 hr

¿A cuál LSMS el dispositivo está conectado?

"brick" (ladrillo) se usa para refirse a los componentes modulares de la arquitectura LSMS de Lucent, ver por ejemplo,

Note added at 1 hr (2006-10-23 14:41:33 GMT)

"Brick" puedes usarlo también así mismo, es marca registrada de Lucent, "Firewall Brick", que simboliza un "ladrillo de muralla cortafuego"
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agree Egmont
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Gracias AVRVM!!
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