Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

back royalties

Spanish translation:

derechos de autor atrasados

Added to glossary by César Cornejo Fuster
Mar 12, 2008 08:42
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

back royalties

English to Spanish Other Law (general) copyright
[traduciendo "royalties" como "derechos de autor"]

b. Work on the feasibility of establishing a visual arts administration organization continued with a seminar in July (with the assistance of EVA and Viscopy) and the circulation of a survey questionnaire thereafter. Data collection will continue into 2008 with a targeted study conclusion in 1H08.
c. FILSCAP became a full CISAC member in the course of 2007, the culmination of almost 2 decades of CISAC assistance in the Philippines.
d. Work on distribution of ***back royalties*** from television stations (from 1996 to 2004) which was targeted for completion in 2007 was only partially finished amid inter alia objections being raised by publisher representatives on the data used for the distribution.

Proposed translations

5 mins

derechos de autor atrasados

Peer comment(s):

agree Noni Gilbert Riley : Yes, altho don't know if other terms used in Lat Am. The SGAE site is worth a look: Poss also "atrasos" - this is used when referring to backpayments after salary redajustments según convenio.
2 hrs
agree Sergio Gaymer
3 hrs
agree Wesley Trobaugh
5 hrs
agree claudia mestre
8 hrs
agree Egmont
16 hrs
disagree Cynthia Herber, LL.M. : No son derechos de autor; eso sería "copyrights". Se refiere a regalías: Consideration payable by a copyright licensee to the licensor for the use of the copyrighted material.
16 hrs
Cynthia, I must agree with you. I had just taken the Asker's chosen translation of royalties without thinking very much
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias John. En cuanto al comentario de Cynthia, lo acepto, pero tengo un glosario enviado por la propia entidad autora del texto (la CISAC) donde traduce royalties como derechos de autor."
1 hr

devolución/reintegro de derechos de autor

En un sentido diferente a las respuestas anteriores ya que menciona una "distribución" de los derechos de autor.
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5 hrs

regalías retroactivas

d. Work on distribution of ***back royalties*** from television stations (from 1996 to 2004) which was targeted for completion in 2007...

d. Trabajar en la distribución de **regalías retroactivas** de parte de televisoras (de 1996 a 2004) proyectado a completarse en 2007...
Peer comment(s):

agree Cynthia Herber, LL.M. : Muy buena opción también.
11 hrs
gracias cynthia :)
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8 hrs

derechos de autor atrasados

Music Greats Sue for Back Royalties
Feb 15, 2008

NEW YORK (AP) — Some of the biggest names in American music or their estates are suing Universal Music Group Inc. for more than $6 million, claiming the company has been cheating them out of royalties for years.

The plaintiffs include Patti Page, and the estates of Count Basie, Sarah Vaughan, Woody Herman, Les Brown, Benny Goodman and the Mills Brothers.

The lawsuit, filed late Thursday in Manhattan's state Supreme Court, says Universal Music and one of its subsidiaries have "pervasively and systematically breached" agreements with the artists by using accounting tricks since at least 1998.

The lawsuit seeks at least $6.07 million plus attorneys' fees and punitive damages.

A representative at Universal Music said the authorized spokesman was traveling and not immediately available to comment.
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6 mins

regalías vencidas/atrasadas/extemporáneas

Una posibilidad...más no una seguridad. Espera otras opiniones.

Note added at 15 hrs (2008-03-13 00:21:18 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

agree Ana Castorena
3 hrs
Muchas gracias, Ana...y saludos:-)
agree Nelida Kreer : Puedes estar seguro. Es así. Regalías atrasadas y ya.
15 hrs
Thank you kindly, Niki...y saludos:-)
agree Cynthia Herber, LL.M. : Exactamente.
16 hrs
Muy agradecido, Cynthia..y saludos:-)
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