Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Spanish translation:

complacer/dése el gusto

Added to glossary by Becky Katz
Aug 5, 2005 19:11
19 yrs ago
10 viewers *
English term


Non-PRO English to Spanish Marketing Marketing names of colors
all I know is that it is one of the colors of a canister set. needed for Latin American Spanish

Discussion Aug 5, 2005:
about your note The other colors were "smoke" and "sunset". In the end I was sent a picture with "indulge", it was a chocolate-brownish color. Since I had to deliver the job as soon as possible, I decided to translate it as "marr�n chocolate". Thank you!
Refugio Aug 5, 2005:
Could you give us the rest of the "colors"?

Proposed translations

14 mins

"indulge" (complaciente)

I would suggest you leave it in English with quotes and put a Spanish equivalent next to it. If the client wants it all in Spanish, maybe you can put something like "Dése el gusto"
Peer comment(s):

agree John Hughson (J.D., M.B.A. Finance) : Yeah. It's a commercial name for a certain color mix.
9 mins
agree Marsha Wilkie : I would not leave it in English. Your option in Spanish is fine, except that I would say "Dése gusto".
10 mins
neutral J Celeita (X) : great guess we posted at the same time.
26 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "muchas gracias y perdón por la demora!"
14 mins


Seguramente se refiere al color que le complazca, que le guste.
Peer comment(s):

agree isabel2000 : Estoy de acuerdo, no existe ese color en inglés
2 mins
gracias Isabel
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30 mins


Me imagino que puede referirse a que el color no genere "emociones", sino que sea un color tranquilo. Just a wild guess.
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40 mins

deleitese / dese el gusto

to indulge means to give in to something that brings you pleasure/happiness, etc.
Peer comment(s):

agree María Teresa Taylor Oliver : Sobre todo porque era un color chocolate, supongo que traía a la mente el placer de comerse una barra de chocolate :O) "Dése el gusto" o "complázcase".
31 mins
agree John Hughson (J.D., M.B.A. Finance) : Pues huele a chocolate... si estás inventando el nombre castellano del color, me parece apto.
35 mins
si queda perfecto....,marron chocolate o "chocolate" solo tambien
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1 hr

tentador / gratificante

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