This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Apr 23, 2010 14:35
14 yrs ago
15 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Medical Medical (general)
As we tinker with nature, we are not only slowing down the "trimming" aspects of the evolutionary process, but also accelerating the process from an adaptive perspective. Genetic changes that would otherwise require thousands or even millions of years can today be implemented by means of simple techniques of manipulation.

Proposed translations

37 mins


pequeños cambios del poceso de evolución
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1 hr


Peer comment(s):

agree Maria_Elena Garcia Guevara
37 mins
Malega, mil gracias y buen día!!!
agree Jennifer Levey : Yes - in the sense of 'elimination of the weakest'; but, then, why not 'eliminación'...?
8 hrs
thanks, but think about trim and cut (llike hair)...fine line
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1 hr

"la edición"

Dado el contexto, lo traduciría como "la edición" o "El proceso de editar de la naturaleza".
Espero sea de ayuda,
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2 hrs


Se refiere a los factores que desencadenan, o que estimulan, la evolucion humana.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Anahí Seri : trim es reducir, recortar, podar, no estimular
1 day 3 hrs
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1 day 5 hrs


creo que la idea es, no sólo recortar, sino algo positivo
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