Jan 3, 2002 17:38
23 yrs ago
13 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Compressors
The rotary screw air compressor (also known as an airend) includes a housing from which extends a shaft (known as an airend input shaft) in use driven to rotate by the motor.

Proposed translations

37 mins

taladro neumático

Es lo que deduje luego de visitar este sitio:
Web Site Matches 1 - 1 of 1 | Web Page Matches >

CMS Inc. - aftermarket servicing and rebuilding of rotary screw airends.
More sites about: B2B > Air Tools

Peer comment(s):

agree Michelle Martoglio
13 mins
Gracias, Michelle.
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55 mins

Compresor de tornillo

Lee esto:

"rotary screw compressor
Compresores rotativos de tornillo helicoidal. Los compresores
de tornillo PUSKA incorporan rotores ..."

OJO! estoy asociando "airend" como apelativo de los compresores "rotativos de tornillo helicoidal" con "compresores de tornillo", que es la forma abreviada usada en esta página web, Pero "airend" no tiene necesariamente que equivaler a "compresor de tornillo".

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5 hrs


es una salida de aire, de forma tubular
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