Nov 21, 2003 11:34
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term
a fit of misdirected cinematic romance
I had this silly fantasy when Max and I had hung up the phone that I'd drive all the way to the Grand Canyon, where I'd never been, and take a look. Like the girl at the end of a movie. The girl shose hear got broken and yet, at the eleventh hour, gets out with her head on her shoulders and her dignity intact.
Except then reality hit. I really don't have time for this.
I left my house with nothing but a sweater, a pack of cigarettes, and my entire CD collection, which I frantically pushed into a suitcase in a fit o misdirected cinematice romance.
Except then reality hit. I really don't have time for this.
I left my house with nothing but a sweater, a pack of cigarettes, and my entire CD collection, which I frantically pushed into a suitcase in a fit o misdirected cinematice romance.
36 mins
in an irrational and movie-inspired mood of romanticism
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
5 mins
a seizure of inappropriate romanticism inspired by a movie (or movie-like)
Hope that the paraphrase explains it...
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: seizure is not appropriate here
2 hrs
paroxysm, are right, of course, but I still think it illustrates the point...
neutral |
sarahl (X)
: I certainly hope she didn't have a seizure while driving!
4 hrs
agree |
Catherine Norton
12 hrs
agree |
: agree 'paroxysm':-)
1 day 1 hr
11 mins
in a gesture resembling the sort of romantically exaggerated
behaviour you see in films at the cinema. "Misdirected" = inappropriate
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Gordon Darroch (X)
1 hr
agree |
Laurel Porter (X)
: yes, excellent
5 hrs
agree |
1 day 1 hr
17 mins
paraphrase attempt
Following the phone call she becomes overwhelmed by the big romantic gesture, like in the movies, where the girls heart gets broken, but she emerges in one piece with her head held high.
At the last minute she stuffs her entire CD collection into a suitcase in the throes of/in the grips of/ carried along on the wave of a misguided full-screen happy ending
misguided/misdirected/deluded - you don't often get the hearts/roses/full violin big-screen happy ending in real life. Idealistic to imagine it will turn out that way!
cinematic romance - the big screen romance (I'm seeing Julie Andrews up on the mountains, camera starts close up then pulls back, and back - the hills are alive etc!!!)
At the last minute she stuffs her entire CD collection into a suitcase in the throes of/in the grips of/ carried along on the wave of a misguided full-screen happy ending
misguided/misdirected/deluded - you don't often get the hearts/roses/full violin big-screen happy ending in real life. Idealistic to imagine it will turn out that way!
cinematic romance - the big screen romance (I'm seeing Julie Andrews up on the mountains, camera starts close up then pulls back, and back - the hills are alive etc!!!)
1 day 1 hr
a fit of misdirected cinematic romance
"a fit of"....
...'a sudden spell of emotion
eg: a fit of anger'[or romance]
it is also an impulsive period of activity as well as being in a certain mood, eg: a fit of laziness'
something that might be a good thing if used for another purpose - (directed towards a better purpose) or used in a different situation. The way it is being used at present, isn't a good idea (or productive), or is a waste.
cinematic romance
'Romance' here seems to me to be a romantic state of mind (idealized and/or sentimental, often influenced by feelings of love or nostalgia rather than based on hard edged "real" calculations / "being practical"). Like in the cinema film (maybe:rather than real life)
She feels it was misdirected - either the right place for it is always in a film, not real life, (or) she thinks "cinematic romance" is alright in real life in some situations, but wasted here. Possibly it is misdirected because "Max is not worth it", or because it won't help anything.
Leaving with only a sweater, a pack of cigarettes and a suitcase containing "your" entire CD collection is the opposite of being practical and realistic - as one normally is when "reality hits".
If a person who was filled with overwhelming feelings of romance all the time, they might have occasional fits of realism.
Note added at 1 day 1 hr 58 mins (2003-11-22 13:33:14 GMT) Post-grading
Oh dear - I think I\'ve misread this one, assuming Max and she have \"broken up\" and she is leaving unhappily. It makes as much or more sense that it is the start of a happy meeting - something like that, which I totally overlooked - so some of the twists I put on the meaning are wrong.....
Note added at 1 day 2 hrs 1 min (2003-11-22 13:35:35 GMT) Post-grading
or have I - I\'m not totally sure whether it\'s a happy or a sad ending, without seeing more of the text it comes from.
...'a sudden spell of emotion
eg: a fit of anger'[or romance]
it is also an impulsive period of activity as well as being in a certain mood, eg: a fit of laziness'
something that might be a good thing if used for another purpose - (directed towards a better purpose) or used in a different situation. The way it is being used at present, isn't a good idea (or productive), or is a waste.
cinematic romance
'Romance' here seems to me to be a romantic state of mind (idealized and/or sentimental, often influenced by feelings of love or nostalgia rather than based on hard edged "real" calculations / "being practical"). Like in the cinema film (maybe:rather than real life)
She feels it was misdirected - either the right place for it is always in a film, not real life, (or) she thinks "cinematic romance" is alright in real life in some situations, but wasted here. Possibly it is misdirected because "Max is not worth it", or because it won't help anything.
Leaving with only a sweater, a pack of cigarettes and a suitcase containing "your" entire CD collection is the opposite of being practical and realistic - as one normally is when "reality hits".
If a person who was filled with overwhelming feelings of romance all the time, they might have occasional fits of realism.
Note added at 1 day 1 hr 58 mins (2003-11-22 13:33:14 GMT) Post-grading
Oh dear - I think I\'ve misread this one, assuming Max and she have \"broken up\" and she is leaving unhappily. It makes as much or more sense that it is the start of a happy meeting - something like that, which I totally overlooked - so some of the twists I put on the meaning are wrong.....
Note added at 1 day 2 hrs 1 min (2003-11-22 13:35:35 GMT) Post-grading
or have I - I\'m not totally sure whether it\'s a happy or a sad ending, without seeing more of the text it comes from.
Something went wrong...