Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

dans ce qu’il donne seulement à voir

English translation:

based on what is offered to vision alone

Added to glossary by Alanna Wilson-Duff
Jul 24, 2007 08:43
17 yrs ago
French term

dans ce qu’il donne seulement à voir

French to English Social Sciences Anthropology visual anthropology
Mead definissait l'anthropologie visuelle comme: l'etude de l''homme dans ce qu’il donne seulement à voir et qu’on appréhende par des outils d'investigation non verbaux

This is actually a bad situation- this is a French translation of the original English statement and now the original quote has been 'misplaced' and cannot be found! Solution is to retranslate it back into English and remove the direct quotation marks. Bearing this in mind, I think a more literal aproach would be best but am hesitating on the wording... Any suggestions? Thanks!

Proposed translations

56 mins

based on what is offered to vision alone

A suggestion that's a bit more literal... but depends on the tone of the rest of course.

"Mead defined visual anthropology as the study of man based on what is offered to vision alone and grasped through non-verbal tools of investigation."
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Melissa, I like the way you turned this."
20 mins

on what one can see/observe

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