Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

auquel sont associés au-delà de 350 manufacturiers exportateurs du Québec

English translation:

to which over 350 of Quebec’s export manufacturers are associated

Added to glossary by PB Trans
Jan 31, 2007 21:57
18 yrs ago
French term

auquel sont associés au-delà de 350 manufacturiers exportateurs du Québec

Non-PRO French to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
Such a long sentence. Help me word this and find a place to put it!

C’est avec grand plaisir que mes collègues du Conseil d’administration du YYYY, auquel sont associés au-delà de 350 manufacturiers exportateurs du Québec, se joignent à moi pour souhaiter que cette troisième édition du XXX Montréal soit, pour votre entreprise, une occasion unique de développement de vos affaires, vous permettant de bonifier substantiellement votre réseau de clients et fournisseurs.
Change log

Feb 1, 2007 01:59: JCEC changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

Feb 1, 2007 08:14: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Art/Literary" to "Bus/Financial" , "Field (specific)" from "Other" to "Business/Commerce (general)"


PB Trans (asker) Jan 31, 2007:
auquel sont associés I think it means that there are over 350 export manufacturers associated with YYY (which is a group of agrifood exporters).

Proposed translations

5 hrs

to which over 350 of Quebec's manufacturers and exporters are associated

"Quebec Manufacturers & Exporters, a division of Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, now has more than 650 members in Quebec."
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Rousselures and Jacqueline had the right idea here. The export manufacturers are not the ones expressing the "hope", along with the Board of Directors... they are included/part of YYY (which is a group of agri-food exporters)."
9 mins

in association with over 350 exporting manufacturers from Quebec

Not much less clumsy than the original, but maybe that'll be a start to set you thinking...!
Peer comment(s):

agree Mark Nathan
2 hrs
Thanks, Mark!
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10 mins

together with over 350 export manufacturers from Quebec

I feel fairly confident about the place in the sentence, but not about 'export manufacturers'. So here goes: It is with great pleasure that my colleagues on the board of directors and I, together with over 350 ..... from Quebec.........etc. Hope this gets the ball rolling!
Peer comment(s):

agree NancyLynn
2 hrs
thanks NancyLynn!
agree Laura Tridico : This works for me (esp. given the use of "se joignent à moi)
4 hrs
Thanks Laura!
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21 mins

an organization representing over 350 export manufacturers in Quebec

This is another option for you, which would keep it in the same sentence placement as the French.
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