Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

entretien vs. maintenance

English translation:

servicing and maintenance

Added to glossary by Pavlovna
Jan 28, 2007 19:55
18 yrs ago
40 viewers *
French term

entretien vs. maintenance

French to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering tender instructions
It's a document related to a call for tenders for large-scale construction work.

My problem: up to now, I was under the impression that "entretien" and "maintenance" meant the same thing. But in my document these two terms always appear together, so, it seems, they are not being used alternatively to mean the same thing but rather (apparently) to refer to two different processes. I just can't figure out what the difference between them could be...

Here are some example sentences:

"Le titulaire est en charge de l'ensemble des missions relatives à la réalisation du Project, y compris le financement, la conception, la construction, l'entretien, la maintenance et le renouvellement de l'infrastructure."

"L'association foncière aura pour objet le paiement d'entretien, de maintenance et de renouvellement de l'infrastructure."

I am not sure what to do with "renouvellement" either.

Any ideas regarding these three terms, especially what the difference between "entretien" and "maintenance" might be, and how to translate them differently, are very welcome!

Thanks very much in advance!

Proposed translations

1 hr

servicing and maintenance

Now, give me a succinct but precise explanation of the difference between the two.
Peer comment(s):

agree Miranda Joubioux (X) : I'd definitely opt for servicing even if upkeep isn't wrong.
11 hrs
agree Sandra & Kenneth Grossman : Thanks!
2096 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everyone for your helpful suggestions! They were all good ones, but I think "servicing" is probably the nicest-sounding synonym for "maintenance." And I went with "renewal" for "renouvellement" but "restoration" would work too for some contexts. However, why the client used both "entretien" and "maintenance" is still, and will likely remain, a mystery!"
4 mins

upkeep & repairs vs. maintenance

and renouvellement = renewal, as in track renewal
Peer comment(s):

agree Irene Schlotter, Dipl.-Übers. : exactly, and renouvellement = renewal. See:
43 mins
agree ACOZ (X)
2 hrs
agree Angie Garbarino
3 hrs
agree David Goward
7 hrs
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14 mins

upkeep, maintenance and restoration/reparation

"Entretien" and "maintenance" have similar definitions in my Larousse. Both mean looking after and mending. Renouvellement conveys changing and not just maintaining, so maybe restoration reparation or even renewal would work.

Note added at 16 mins (2007-01-28 20:11:12 GMT)

Sorry, I didn't see CMJ's answer before posting!
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2 hrs

maintenance (in English) = entretien (in French)

IMHO, maintenance (in English) is entretien (in French). In my neck of the woods, poorly educated francophones use the word
maintenance (pronounced with a French accent) to mean "entretien". As for "renouvellement de l'infrastrucutre", I think that it refers to long term maintenance ... such as replacing the ciment slabs in an underground parking ... Good luck ...
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