Jun 20, 2013 16:30
11 yrs ago
152 viewers *
French term


French to English Other Education / Pedagogy Transcript of high school
Travaux personnels ENC?
English Please?
Thanks in advance!
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (1): Nikki Scott-Despaigne

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Nikki Scott-Despaigne Jun 20, 2013:
@Cchat Maybe, although the official French sources of the Education nationale and the Bulletin Officiel are certainly more reliable than Linguee! Linguee can be a starting point but it has a great many failings.
Thanks for my daughter.
cchat Jun 20, 2013:
Web access It's possible that web access and websearching may not be as easy in all countries. I often find the Linguee website very useful for this type of information.
Good luck to your daughter.
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Jun 20, 2013:
@Gad All of your terms are ordinary terms for the baccalauréat. All can be found on the web. If you need as fast answer, you will get faster results consulting the web yourself, particularly with the bac taking place this week. My daughter's sitting her bac this week and I work in a lycée. These are all very much hot subjects on the web at the moment with loads of info out there.

Proposed translations

16 mins

Travaux personnels encadrés = supervised personal project

Sure of the French.
One possible suggestion for the English.
Peer comment(s):

agree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : Or even "supervised assessed project" as the TPE is almost always done in groups of three, although each person is assessed individually.
14 mins
agree piazza d
1 hr
agree kashew
16 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Looks good. I used it. Thanks a lot!"

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1 hr
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