Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by claude-andrew
Aug 4, 2011 17:19
13 yrs ago
11 viewers *
French term


French to English Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng Environmental tests on mobile phones
This is the only occurrence of "servitude" in the document, in a table, the only entry in which is as follow:

- Enregistreurs et servitudes
Désignation Constructeur Type N° de série Date Limite de validité +/- 1 mois
Enregistreur de température XXXXXXX AAAAA xxxxxx xx/yy/zzzz

I would much prefer it if the word "servitude" were not there at all.


claude-andrew (asker) Aug 4, 2011:
Thanks for that Bourth. Appurtenance has the advantage of being a noun, unlike ancillary, which is an adjective which strictly speaking requires a noun.
Bourth (X) Aug 4, 2011:
On the little we have to go on I tend to interpret it as "ancillaries" too. Maybe "appurtenances/appurtenant equipment" puts these on a more equal footing than "ancillaries" which tend to be inferior in status.
claude-andrew (asker) Aug 4, 2011:
Unfortunately this is the only reference to servitudes in the document - there's nothing alse to give clues. "ancillaries" is exactly what I chose as a provisional solution.

Proposed translations

3 mins


one possibility, depending on context
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
4 mins
4 mins

utility / general usage/use

I think this makes more sense, but a bit more clarification of the domain might help
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