Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

le ferait à ses petits frères

English translation:

as she would to her little brothers

Added to glossary by Katarina Peters
Aug 6, 2007 03:41
17 yrs ago
French term

le ferait à ses petits frères

Non-PRO French to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters magazine article
Il faut voir ce petit bout de femme tailler sa route au milieu des grands costauds à la casquette à l’envers et leur parler comme elle ***le ferait à ses petits frères*** en exigeant d’eux le respect.

As though she were talking to their little brothers? That's my guess.
Change log

Aug 19, 2007 18:11: Katarina Peters Created KOG entry


CMJ_Trans (X) Aug 6, 2007:
if it had been "their little brothers" then the French would be: à leurs petits frères

Proposed translations

10 mins

as she would talk to her little brothers

...and talk to them as she would talk to her little brothers
Peer comment(s):

agree Theresa Shepherd (X) : cleaner than "as though she were..." and closer, in fact, to the source
9 hrs
Thank you, Theresa! I like to be concise.
agree daruuntje (X)
1 day 18 hrs
Thanks, daruntje!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 mins

as though she were talking to her little brothers

Your guess is right but I would write "as though she were talking to HER little brothers" ...
Note from asker:
I get it.
Peer comment(s):

agree catinthenet : or.. adressing them as though she would some younger brothers ( or sibblings)..
2 hrs
"Siblings" would apply IF we didn't know their sex ... but here we know what she is talking about. Thanks for your interest, catinthenet ...
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3 hrs

as though she was talking to her younger brothers

I would definately use 'younger' brothers as opposed to 'little' brothers. Hope it helps
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4 hrs

as though she were talking to her kid brothers

this is definitely US (I don't know if it is used in other anglophone countries) but to me it captures best the slight put-down of the power hierarchy in the original. It is not as formal as saying "younger," so I don't know if that would be an issue, but the style of the article you're translating seems to have a lot of these somewhat witty, informal references.
Peer comment(s):

agree Sheila Wilson : same applies to UK English
4 hrs
Thank you.
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