Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

une garantie absolue

English translation:

an unconditional guarantee

Added to glossary by Miranda Joubioux (X)
Jun 23, 2010 16:14
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

sur une garantie absolue

French to English Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology) Terms of use (website)
Cependant, il est bien entendu que l'Agence ne saurait s'engager sur une garantie absolue, et décline toute responsabilité en cas d'intrusion, piratage, ou en cas d'insertion de virus sur son serveur et/ou sur le Site et/ou dans les emails transmis.

This text is in a paragraph concerning computer security, viruses, pirating, and other forms of intrusion. It follows a sentence say that the company shall do everything possible to ensure the security of the website in question.

I don't seem to be able to phrase this. All help will be appreciated.


Martin Cassell Jun 23, 2010:
redundancy "s'engager sur" and "garantie" do rather tread on each other's toes.
you could simplify it to "cannot give an absolute guarantee" (I don't see a big obstacle to using absolute for absolue, here.)

Proposed translations

32 mins

an unconditional guarantee

A very common expression
Note from asker:
It may be a common expression, but in this context I am unable to find anything similar. Perhaps I should have put the whole phrase: ne saurait s'engager sur une garantie absolue. Or am I just tired after a long day's work.
Peer comment(s):

agree Stephanie Ezrol
54 mins
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. I worked my way round this answer removing the redundant as Martin suggested."
22 mins

a comprehensive guarantee

The agency cannot give a comprehensive guarantee.
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