Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

prendre acte de ce que nous entendons bénéficier du moratoire

English translation:

to take legal cognizance

Added to glossary by NancyLynn
Aug 18, 2005 01:40
19 yrs ago
12 viewers *
French term

prendre acte de ce que nous entendons bénéficier du moratoire

French to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Belgian (Congo) French
Aussi nous fondant à notre discrétion sur les stipulations de l'article 3.6 de la Convention, nous vous saurions gré de prendre acte de ce que nous entendons bénéficier du moratoire conventionnle de 6 mois tant pour la présentation de la demande de renouvellement que pour la date d'expiration de la période initiale. Ainsi, le nouveau terme de la période initiale adviendra le 12.03.2006 alors que notre demande de renouvellement sera introduite au plus tard le 12.17.2005.
Change log

Aug 18, 2005 07:37: JCEC changed "Term asked" from "prendre acte de ce que nous entendons b�n�ficier du moratoir" to "prendre acte de ce que nous entendons b�n�ficier du moratoire"


Conor McAuley Aug 22, 2005:
Sorry, it's you Nancy, I'm sure you do check the gloassaries! Thanks.

Proposed translations

7 hrs
French term (edited): prendre acte de ce que nous entendons b�n�ficier du moratoire

to take legal cognizance

Other possibilities:


Don't forget to use the glossaries, they're very handy!

Note added at 7 hrs 11 mins (2005-08-18 08:52:19 GMT)
--------------------------------------------------"to take legal cognizanc...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Connor. Incidentally, I do check the glossaries before asking (c'mon) ;-)"
12 hrs
French term (edited): prendre acte de ce que nous entendons b�n�ficier du moratoire

we hereby notify you in writing that we intend to take advantage of the agreed payment moratorium

pr payment moratorium agreement....

This is used by the World Bankl in the context of debt relief in the sense that they have given this country a moratorium [some period of time in which they do not have to meet their debt interest obligation.

Conventioné means that it was decided in an agreement or agreed

Prendre acte means the the Writer has sent a document to the addressee informing it of something...prendre acte=hereby notify or this is to notify you..something that means that they are sending the thing on paper and in writing...acte= the document sent by the writer to the addressee, which is probably the World Bank ...

It does not mean prendre note

Note added at 12 hrs 29 mins (2005-08-18 14:10:38 GMT)

It does not mean take cognizance

Note added at 12 hrs 33 mins (2005-08-18 14:14:26 GMT)

Actual translation would be: We kindly ask that you accept this notification that we intend to take advantage of the agreed payment moratorim
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