Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

suivant qu\'il appartiendra

English translation:

as appropriate, as proper

Added to glossary by Andrew Mac
Sep 29, 2011 15:13
13 yrs ago
20 viewers *
French term

suivant qu'il appartiendra

French to English Law/Patents Law (general)

this appears just before a verdict is given in a legal proceeding. Full sentence reads:

sous la réserve expresse et formelle de pouvoir majorer, changer ou modifier les présentes conclusions en cours d'instance et suivant qu'il appartiendra, Me ***, pour sa partie, conclut à ce qu'il:

Proposed translations (English)
5 +5 as appropriate, as proper


Sharon Polson Sep 29, 2011:
As I understand it...... Reading the sentence as is, I would understand :

"and after as is necessary"

Although as you probably know "il appartiendra" normally refers to "...the responsability of......."

Proposed translations

9 mins

as appropriate, as proper

This is old school legalese that unfortunately is still around. I went to law school and came across this phrase once and a while in French court opinions.
Peer comment(s):

agree FX Torrentz : I would vote for " as appropriate."
2 mins
agree Sharon Polson : Yep "as apppropriate"
4 mins
agree Alain Mouchel
4 hrs
agree AllegroTrans
5 hrs
agree ACOZ (X) : as appropriate
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for this!"
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