Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

réservé en fin de compte

English translation:

destined at the end of the day

Added to glossary by Yolanda Broad
Jun 11, 2003 14:40
21 yrs ago
French term

réservé en fin de compte

French to English Marketing
Un challenge moins motivant, réservé en fin de compte à la même poignée d’acharnés.

(the context of a contest)

Proposed translations

10 mins

destined at the end of the day

or simply " the end..."

" the end of the day..." is a massively overused UK cliché which I personally avoid, but 40 million Brits can't necessarily be wrong.
Peer comment(s):

agree roneill
3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks! Yes, this expression is also used frequently in Canada. Good choice!"
5 mins

definitely reserved for

Je crois que decidemment c'est le meilleur choix...
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